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Chuck Todd Spills What a Cabinet Secretary Told Him About Biden's Health *Two Years Ago*

Katherine Frey/The Washington Post via AP, Pool

How could no one have known about Joe Biden’s mental decline? It’s laughable to suggest that liberal America was blindsided by the president’s epically bad performance against Donald Trump on June 27. Then, the press got slammed for being less than aggressive in their reporting of the president’s health, with pieces about fears of looking like they’re helping Trump and losing access. Former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson understood those concerns, and she also said they didn't matter.


In Semafor, which highlighted why the media fell short, she said, “The Biden White House clearly succeeded in a massive cover-up of the degree of the President’s feebleness and his serious physical decline, which may be simply the result of old age. Shame on the White House press corps for not to have pierced the veil of secrecy surrounding the President.” 

And have they ever shredded that chainmail that was protecting Biden for so long? It shows that they had the ability to do so but chose not to due to political bias. What else is new? The rigorous reporting now is because they’ve been shamed into doing it. This is Washington, D.C.—nothing is ever kept secret. NBC’s Chuck Todd shared on Tuesday that a cabinet secretary told him that there is little to no interaction with the president, and this person would be shocked if he ran for re-election—this was two years ago (via RCP):


NBC chief political analyst Chuck Todd said Tuesday on his podcast that he sees "no evidence [President Biden] can serve four more years." 

He also said that a "senior cabinet member" told him two years ago that they don't think Biden can continue as president. 

"This is irresponsible, there is no evidence he can serve four years," Chuck Todd said." This White House had to, they had to drag it out of him that they've had this neurological test... They have no credibility left on this topic."

ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos was caught saying the same thing, which he later apologized for, though it wasn’t necessary. Abramson mentioned a cover-up. It’s been mentioned in the press briefings, with reports of top aides putting Biden in a cocoon where he has little to no independence anymore. And now, cabinet officials say this guy is AWOL and probably should run again. 


They knew. We, conservatives, knew. Who is running the country? And who is this cabinet secretary?

Also, thanks, Todd, for dropping this bombshell now. This man waited two years and only did so when the bottom fell out of the Biden campaign.  

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