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It’s Not Just Hispanics Who Are Fleeing the Democrats in Droves

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

When will Democrats get that going ‘woke’ was electoral suicide. For a party that prides itself in being diverse, it’s not. It’s rapidly becoming a party of single, college-educated white female socialists. They’re ideologically insane. They’re shrill. They can’t message. They’ve alienated almost everyone. White progressives are also saddled with mountains of college debt. Why do you think it’s become a top issue for the Democratic Party? The base is dominated by a snobby, elitist, and overwhelmingly white core that is way out of step with the other blocs that comprise the liberal base. It’s become so bad that Hispanics are bolting from the party. College-educated men are fleeing to the GOP. And now, Asian-Americans are saying sayonara to the Left. It’s not because they’ve decided to become hardcore conservatives. They’re just tired of being discriminated against when it comes to their kids’ education. Yes, there is a color scale that Democrats slap on everyone, and Asians don’t quite make the cut regarding the ‘person of color’ test (via Daily Caller):


“The Asian alone population grew by 35.5% between 2010 and 2020,” according to the 2020 U.S. Census, accounting for the fastest growing non-white population. Only 55% of Asian-Americans approved of President Joe Biden in a January poll released by the Pew Research Center.

A majority of polls do not include Asian-Americans as a separate demographic due to their relatively small population size compared to Hispanic, black and white voters. Asian-Americans are also diverse, and many are immigrants who are not fluent in English, making it difficult to conduct accurate surveys, according to Pew.

However, Republican Asian-Americans told the Daily Caller they have seen a shift towards the right in their communities.

Discrimination against Asians in school acceptance is “one of the major things that are waking people up” from the Democratic Party, Xi Van Fleet, a mother who left China during the rule of Mao Zedong, told the Daily Caller.

In the past, “Chinese, Vietnamese and maybe Korean” immigrants didn’t speak out very loudly about their political preferences, but anti-Asian discrimination in school acceptance processes is changing that, Van Fleet, who gained notoriety after speaking out against critical race theory at a Loudoun County School Board meeting in June, continued.


The only Republican Chinese immigrant candidate running for Congress, Lily Tang Williams, agreed that school discrimination has been a central factor for the Asian-American community in turning to the GOP.

“Lot’s of Asian-Americans are waking up because when you look at it, the Chinese-American values are they want lower taxes, they want the best quality of education for their kids and their kids are being discriminated” by school acceptance policies


“Wokeism [tells Asians] ‘hey, your color is not black enough,'” Williams said, claiming that the discrimination against Asians in school acceptance rates is also driven by class, since Asians have the highest median household income in the U.S.


And shocker—Asian-Americans are not too keen on the COVID lockdowns that ruined small businesses, the spike in crime that has been enabled by failed liberal reform policies, and a porous southern border. If this is the reason why Asian-Americans are fleeing, it makes sense. I’ll only say that the one thing we need to keep in mind about Asian-Americans is that we’re notoriously hard to poll. As a Korean American, yes—I admit that I’m not speaking to any pollster who calls me, even if it’s from a GOP firm. I’m too busy with other things. Leave me alone. 

That’s the only thing that tempers this reported shift, but time will tell—and it wouldn’t shock me if Asians were fleeing due to issues like education. 

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