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A Liberal Reporter Just Said the Quiet Part Out Loud About the Hunter Biden Story

AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

There are scores of examples of the liberal media behaving badly. Seldom is there the perfect clip that captures the snobbery and bias. Well, we have one with The Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum who was asked about the Hunter Biden laptop story which was dismissed as Russian disinformation during the 2020 election. For months, that was the talking point. Now, it’s a fact. It's been a fact since The New York Post first reported on the contents of the laptop. NY Post was censored by Big Tech over this story. They locked them out of their accounts. We knew it was true. National Public Radio dismissed it as a “distraction.” 


Well, The New York Times and The Washington Post filed essentially the same story that the NY Post did eons ago, and lo and behold the laptop is real. The emails on them are real. That leads to the possibility that the Biden’s are compromised by foreign governments. That Joe Biden is indeed heavily involved with his son’s shady government access deals. We don’t know yet because some people in this country worked 24/7 trying to suffocate this story. Even Bill Maher commented that this looks like a classic case of the liberal media burying a story that went against their narrative which has led to the erosion of trust with the media. Yes, indeed. 

We need a task force for this, and we need FISA warrants to reveal more about the Chinese connections. Hunter is already facing a tax evasion probe. The cash from shady deals is tied into that. So, what does Applebaum have to say about this? Well, she said the quiet part out loud. 


Also, the president’s son’s potentially illegal business dealings have no bearing here. Really, Anne. Joe Biden has all but staked his reputation in declaring a) he’s not involved in his son’s deals, and b) he knows nothing about them. Both of which are lies. Second, if the parties were changed, you bet Applebaum, and her colleagues would find this story very interesting. 

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