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There's Another Reason to Hate Fauci

Greg Nash/Pool via AP

There are many reasons to hate Dr. Anthony Fauci. His imperial majesty is still out there dropping interviews and injecting more chaos into the COVID pandemic. His advice has changed so many times that no one can keep count. As we look back, the flip-flop over masks was the harbinger for the chaos that was to come from these so-called experts. They’re not white lab coat-wearing fascists. Fauci probably has done more to increase vaccine skepticism with his contradictory advice. Get the shot but stay inside and keep wearing a mask. You don’t need to be a scientist to figure out that when people heard this fear porn, they wondered if the vaccine even worked. It does—but you’d never know with these clowns in charge. His obnoxious ego doesn’t help either. Every time he’s on CNN, the credibility of this institution dies. As of now, it’s in a persistent vegetative state. Now, he’s saying that it might be too early to say if we can see our families at Christmas. Sorry, dude—we’re not waiting on you to give the okay. We have three vaccines. It’s over. And you don’t have the power to do anything so shut the hell up.


Now, there’s evidence that he’s a dog killer as well. As if we need another reason to hate this guy, right (via Daily Caller):

Documents from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) obtained by a taxpayer watchdog organization reveal that the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, spent $1.68 million on unnecessary research that killed dozens of beagle puppies.

Between October 2018 and February 2019, NIAID-funded research at SRI International involved force-feeding or injecting 44 beagle puppies aged 6-8 months old with an experimental drug before killing and dissecting them, according to documents obtained by White Coat Waste Project (WCW), a taxpayer watchdog organization with a focus on scientific research. The research, deemed unnecessary by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), cost taxpayers $1.68 million.

The NIH documents stated the experiments were conducted “to provide data of suitable quality and integrity to support application to the U.S . Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other regulatory agencies.” However, following reporting by the Daily Caller and others on previous WCW investigations, the FDA stated this summer it “does not mandate that human drugs be studied in dogs.”

Anthony Fauci: Dog killer. He was already one of the bankrollers for the research that allowed China to develop the very virus that’s ravaging the world right now. It escapes from their lab in Wuhan. We all know this and Fauci being testy about his, the NIH, and the Wuhan virology lab regarding the grants was the red flag. 


The man funded the research that caused the pandemic. He kills dogs. He gives crappy medical advice. He gives contradictory advice. And he says we should stay home for the holidays…again. Oh, and the unvaccinated should not go to work or back to school. 


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