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Parody But You Know There are White Libs Who Think This Is How to Reach Black Americans on the COVID Vaccine

monkeybusinessimages/iStock/Getty Images Plus

File this under ‘you cannot make this up.’ Our friends at RedState wrote this up first, but I agree with them. This seems like a parody account—and the more you peruse the account—but the ethos of it is very much in line with the white liberal elite especially those on college campuses. It’s embarrassing, to say the least. As COVID vaccination rates are lag, Mary K. Anstruther, who says she’s a professor, knows how to do outreach to the black community, which historically has been hesitant to vaccines. Just team up with fast-food chains. I’m not kidding.


“To help the BIPOC community in getting vaccines I suggest that local communities team up with fast-food chains (McDonalds, Bojangles, Popeyes, KFC, ChurchsChicken, churches & trusted black-owned business to set up pop-up clinics. Meet folks where they are & make it easy.” 

Yes, she wrote that; whoever runs this account wrote that—knowing full well what the fallout would be. Frankly, I think the remaining tweets were deleted out of fear of getting suspended from Twitter for violating community standards, not because everyone rightfully dragged this person. 


It’s racist. Then again, that’s how most white liberals are at heart—unintentionally racist and incapable of shutting the hell up about race matter for which they are insanely detached. Even Rev. Al Sharpton has called these folks “latte-sipping liberals” for their advocacy of insane agenda items like defunding the police. Liberal data scientist David Shor has written extensively about how white liberals are almost always gauging at 11 on race matters when actual nonwhite voters are not as ideological in the post-2020 era. It could cost Democrats a lot of votes in future elections. Peddling defunding the police already has. 

I’m going to say that this account is not real, though you know there are white liberals who actually think they’re helping with suggestions like this. It's the content that perfectly nestles itself in with white progressives who have been filling the ranks of the Democratic Party base. White liberals, the self-appointed enforcers of anti-racism and protectors of nonwhites in America. There's nothing paternalistic about, right—but that’s the Left; you can do whatever you want and get away with it. 

Last note: This person cannot be real. It's more entertainment value honestly. 


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