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Joe Biden's Anti-Segregation Crusade From Black Church Story Just Took a Punch to the Mouth

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

At his age, Joe Biden’s lying problems can be masked as memory problems. It still doesn’t negate the issue. If he’s lying, it’s only in keeping with his past screw-ups of exaggerating his academic credentials and plagiarizing speeches from other prominent politicians, namely former UK Labor Party Leader Neil Kinnock.  


Yesterday, Biden forgot Mitt Romney’s name. He said he was elected to the Senate 180 years ago. He’s said on multiple occasions this year that he’s a candidate for the U.S. Senate. But now we have a black church problem. You see, Joey B said that he attended this black church in his teenage years. He was combating segregation, you see. The only problem is that the congregants of this church have no idea what he’s talking about because it would seem Joe was never there. Alana Goodman has more (via Washington Free Beacon):

On the campaign trail, Joe Biden has talked frequently about his early years in the civil rights movement. As a teenager, he says, he regularly attended a black church in Wilmington, Del., where he was involved in organizing anti-segregation protests in the early 1960s.

"I got raised in the black church," Biden said in a speech to Jesse Jackson's Rainbow PUSH coalition last year. "We would go sit in Rev. Herring's church, sit there before we'd go out, and try to change things when I was a kid in college and in high school."

The church Biden referenced, Union Baptist Church, was a prominent African-American church in Wilmington run by Rev. Otis Herring, an acclaimed pastor who passed away in 1996. But Biden has made comments that seem to contradict the account. When reporters questioned Biden's claim in 1987 that he marched in the civil rights movement, he acknowledged that he "wasn't an activist" and that his most significant experience with civil rights as a youth was when he worked at a majority-black swimming pool as a college sophomore in 1962.

Now, interviews with long-time church members are raising questions about his story. Biden befriended Herring as an adult, they say, but they do not recall him attending the church as a teenager. 

Phyllis Drummond, Herring's longtime assistant who attended Union Baptist for 39 years, said she was not involved with the church in the early 1960s but does not think Biden attended at that time. "No. Not at our building. I think he was probably in Claymont, [Del.,] [or] in Pennsylvania then," Drummond told the Washington Free Beacon.

The Biden campaign did not respond to a request for comment.


He’s no longer ‘Hidin’ Biden.’ He’s now ‘Lyin’ Biden.’ And this isn’t the first time Joe got punched in the face trying to pander to black voters. First, he said that George Floyd’s death had more of an impact than Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. That’s just absurd on its face. It’s also wrong. Second, he said that blacks who don’t vote for him, aren’t really black. At Kenosha, the site of an officer-involved shooting of a black man, which—you guessed it—sparked riots, he joked about getting shot at a campaign stop regarding revealing too much of his tax plan. The plan that will raise taxes on all of us should he win. 

In the next debate, Trump should just let Joe talk a little more because the man will trip over himself. Just give him time. But back to this story, this isn’t the first claim from Biden’s past that cannot be corroborated. The Free Beacon adds:  

Biden also claimed to have participated in anti-segregation sit-ins along Route 40 when he was just 18 years old, which could not be corroborated by participants and historians.

Now, his claims about Herring and his involvement with the church are coming under scrutiny.Biden said over the summer that he had been "involved with the civil rights movement, the African-American community since I was a junior in high school, desegregating movie theaters."

But Bidensaidpreviously he "didn't know any black people" until he started working at the majority-black pool in Wilmington in 1962."It was an incredible awakening to me," he told theMorning Newsin 1986. "I had just assumed everybody treated everyone fairly."


In an Intercept article in February, reporter Robert Mackey also challenged Biden's account, noting that the former vice president's 2007 memoir Promises to Keep made no mention of these stories.

"Given that the memoir describes his time in high school and college in detail, it seems odd that Biden failed to make any mention at all of what he now describes as formative experiences: the picketing of the segregated Rialto movie theater and attending civil rights organizing sessions at Rev. Otis Herring's Union Baptist Church," wrote Mackey. "Asked about the discrepancy … Biden's spokesperson argued that the book was written as something of a manifesto for his 2007 campaign and was not intended to be an exhaustive autobiography."


It's a trainwreck, but one that will be covered up by the liberal media. It’s a story, yes, but it won’t get the light of day. If Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) can lie about his war stories in Vietnam—because he never served there—then this will surely be suffocated with a pillow. It doesn’t mean we don’t try getting this into the national discourse about Biden. The man lied about hanging at a black church. This may be worse than Hillary’s hot sauce pandering moment in 2016. 

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