Granted, this sharp criticism hurled at Biden-Harris 2020 was from a Bernie Sanders supporter, but this is certainly not what a lot of Democrats wanted to happen regarding the 2020 ticket. Sanders’ former national press secretary Briahna Joy Gray’s tweet has been making the rounds, shining a light on how the far-left of the Democratic Party feels about the VP selection. It’s not good.
“We are in the midst of the largest protest movement in American history, the subject of which is excessive policing, and the Democratic Party chose a ‘top cop’ and the author of the Joe Biden crime bill to save us from Trump. The contempt for the base is, wow,” she wrote.
We are in the midst of the largest protest movement in American history, the subject of which is excessive policing, and the Democratic Party chose a “top cop” and the author of the Joe Biden crime bill to save us from Trump.
— Briahna Joy Gray (@briebriejoy) August 11, 2020
The contempt for the base is, wow.
During the New Hampshire primary, scores of Bernie supporters were confident that the Vermont senator could beat Trump. Maybe. At the time, he was the frontrunner for the 2020 field before again failing to win over black Democrats south of the Mason-Dixon line. It seems for sure now that while Bernie energized Democrats, he might just be a solid foundational candidate for the progressive Left. They’re going to need to find someone new to seal the deal. It’ll happen, just not this year. So, after all this talk about a revolution, the Democrats decided to nominate an old white guy and a top cop to be their 2020 ticket.
I don’t know what the play is here. Seriously, there are no positives for Kamala who is known for locking up scores of pot smokers. Joe Biden ushered in a wave of mass incarceration for black men. Yes, the leftists rioting in the cities is an issue, but this play for suburbanites might not work well in areas like Wayne County, which is key to winning Michigan. Not that these folks are going to vote for Trump. They’ll just do what they did in 2016 which cost Clinton this state: stay home.
This isn’t a good ticket, folks. On one end, Biden’s mind is being eaten by worms and there was this creepy recognition of his own mortality during their joint news conference in Wilmington, Delaware. I mean, Biden knew he was introducing Kamala as his running mate, right? It seemed he was taking the role of elder statesman or kingmaker trying to give confidence to everyone else that Harris could do…the job that he’s running for this year. Harris then delivered a speech grounded in lies in which Trump was to blame for everything, including COVID. It was predictable, transparent, and lackluster. She’s a phony. She’s propped up by media-manufactured hype. She bolted before her state’s primary. Her 2020 run was a total disaster. I think people already know who Harris is—and it wasn’t well-received among those Democratic blocs that are key to winning and looking to be energized. This pick wasn’t it. So yeah, I think even before Harris was selected, the fact that old Joe was going to be the nominee was another reality check to the left-wing cohorts trying to foster their own rebellion within the ranks. I’m not wishing them luck, but it’s inevitable that they will find someone who will nuke the system the way Trump did for Republicans. This isn’t the year, so I can see why the more revolutionary wing of the party would sit out. In fact, that’s exactly what they should do come November.
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