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Take a Bow, Trump Team, You Caused CNN's Don Lemon to Blow a Gasket Over Your Latest Tweet

Why does President Trump tweet what he tweets? This applies to his campaign staff as well. The answer is simple. It’s funny. It’s shareable. And it drives the liberal media totally insane. They know what their reactions will be; it’s a given in the post-2016 era. And there is no better target than CNN. The network has become unabashedly anti-Trump. It’s their bread and butter, though they remain consistently in third place. Last night, the Trump team earned their stripes and paychecks by pushing out this hilarious tweet showing Trump as Thanos from the Avengers franchise vaporizing congressional Democrats, which sent Don Lemon into meltdown mode (via Real Clear Politics):


"What are we, in junior high school?" Lemon asked after a five-second pause. "Like what the hell? What is this? Like what -- what? I cannot believe that I'm even having to report this on the news."

"This is -- this is crazy," Lemon continued. "This is literally crazy. Are you people insane? Are you insane? Go ahead, troll the Democrats on Twitter. Do this stupid, silly you-know what. Play this stupid, juvenile meme game."

"History won't record this meme stupid crap, but history will record this," he continued. "The seriousness of what is happening, that today is the day that the House of Representatives in the United States of America introduced articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump, the president of the United States of America, for committing high crimes and misdemeanors. A big deal and lots to discuss."


This isn’t the first time Lemon has blown a gasket. He’s gone off the hinges during the Jussie Smollett fiasco, an epic Trump rally in Phoenix, and Kanye West’s visit to the White House. It’s like clockwork with the hosts of this network. We all know it. And when they meltdown like this, it’s a win for the country. In the words of Sun Tzu and Tony Soprano, “If your opponent is of choleric temper, irritate him.”

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