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Popcorn: Watch Joe Biden Blow a Gasket When Iowa Voter Brings up His Age and Hunter Biden

AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall

Former Vice President Joe Biden got very agitated when an Iowan voter brought up his age and his son’s arrangement at Burisma when he was the vice president that has become an albatross around his campaign’s neck. He called the gentleman a “damned liar” and made fun of his weight. Yeah, the ‘No Malarkey’ tour isn’t going off too well. In fact, the 2020 Biden campaign has been underwhelming, given that this is the man who a) can beat Trump like a drum; and b) the heavyweight of the 2020 Democratic crop.  


Biden’s intense reaction just shows the frustration many in his orbit are probably feeling concerning the campaign’s inability to neutralize this story. Hunter Biden was given a board position on Burisma, an energy company, despite have zero experience in this field. He was making $50,000/month and was allegedly there to sell access to top-level Obama officials. Daddy Biden was VP at the time. 


Joe Biden can’t remember what state he’s in, appears sluggish on the debate stage, and is a serial gaffe machine. It matters. The man who thinks he can beat Trump like a drum has a rather shaky lead in the polls. He’s only ahead because of name recognition, not policy. And berating a voter for asking a question that he and his staff haven’t really addressed isn’t the best way to break out of the thinning, but still crowded 2020 field. 


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