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Dem Congressman: The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Confiscate Firearms

With House Democrats pushing a gun control bill that will almost certainly die in the Senate on Wednesday, we’re going to have to deal with a trifecta that will lead to nothing more than a giant political headache. We have Russian collusion nonsense going on, Democrats speaking out of both of their mouths of sexual assault, and gun control. To add another level, we have Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) Green New Deal nonsense to contend with, even after the projected $93 trillion price tag was unveiled by American Action Forum. So, what’s in this new gun control push? Oh, the usual nonsense, like universal background checks (via USA Today):


One bill, H.R. 8, would require background checks for private transactions, such as purchases online and at gun shows. Currently, only federally licensed firearms dealers, importers and manufacturers are required to conduct background checks on customers under federal law. (Twenty states and D.C. have already expanded background checks to include at least some private sales.)

The other bill, H.R. 1112, would extend to 20 days the amount of time firearms dealers must wait for a response from the background check system before the sale can proceed. Currently, they can make the sale if they haven’t received a response in three days.

This will do nothing to enhance public safety or stop mass shootings. Firearm purchases at FFL dealers are mandatory, no matter where they are, so the gun show loophole is often just fodder for the anti-gun Left to scare the public. And what about private sales? They’re rare, and usually exchanges between family members via inheritance, like fathers passing on their guns to their sons. The only way to track private sales is through a gun registry, which Democrats say they don’t want, but we all know the end game here. The party’s left-wing swing also shouldn’t give us confidence they will have anything short of confiscation on their mind. Moreover, even if they’re speaking theoretically, if Democrats want to look less insane on constitutional rights, they would do well not to casually mention that to end gun violence in America would be to confiscate all firearms (via NTK Network):


Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) said during a press conference Tuesday that the only way to prevent all gun violence in America was to take away everyone’s gun.


Any time the other side says that this isn’t enforceable without a national registry, that’s a code word for they want to do a national registry,” Thompson said.

Thompson then pointed out that there is nothing that can be used to create a national gun registry in the proposed legislation.

“As far as anybody who says, ‘Well, this bill wouldn’t have solved this incident,’ the only thing that will solve every one is to do away with guns. So are you telling me that the critics of my bill want to do away with all guns?” Thompson asked, rhetorically.

I think there are areas where we can find agreement, like extreme risk protection orders IF THEY’RE DONE RIGHT, but this will also take time to get the language right to ensure people’s rights aren’t trampled, which is absent in the liberal process. It’s hard to discuss this with people whose sole goal concerning gun control is expanding government power. Then again, what else is new when dealing with Democrats. 


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