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Poll: Trump Pretty Much Breaks Even With Voters, While Hillary Sinks To Her Worst Numbers Ever (Thanks To Democrats Souring On Her)

The Trump White House may be dealing with wiretap allegations, repealing and replacing Obamacare, and might be gearing to defend its executive order on immigration (again). Yet, the nation seems to be more of less split right down the middle concerning their feelings about the 45th president, with almost an equal number approving and disapproving of him. In a new Suffolk poll, voters don’t appear to have buyer’s remorse over Trump, according to The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake. Forty-five percent of Americans have a favorable view of him, while 47 percent hold an unfavorable view. As polarized as we are, this virtual split down the middle isn’t shocking. Yet, when it comes to Clinton, she sunk to her worst numbers ever, with 35 percent having a favorable opinion of the former first lady. This is due to Democrats abandoning their 2016 candidate [emphasis mine]:


As Hillary Clinton makes her reemergence with a speech at the Kennedy Center in Washington on Wednesday night, a new poll shows her with her worst image numbers ever. The Suffolk University poll shows that just 35 percent of registered voters have a favorable opinion of Clinton, compared with 55 percent who have an unfavorable one.

The same poll, meanwhile, shows Trump — for the first time ever — in significantly better shape than Clinton: 45 percent favorable and 47 percent unfavorable.


The decline is due to both Democrats and independents apparently souring on Clinton. While 88 percent of Democrats and 32 percent of independents liked Clinton in October, today those numbers are 74 percent and 25 percent, respectively. Clearly, even some who voted for Clinton — she won 89 percent of Democrats' votes and 42 percent of independents' — don't have as much affection for her as they did at the tail end of the election.

Right now, I’m not even going to get into a 2020 run. It’s way too early—but for now, the former secretary of state is “uniquely unpopular.”


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