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Dem Governor Sends Officials to the Border ‘Educate’ Agents on the ‘Lack of Shelter Availability’

Late last year, New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams embarked on a four-day trip to South America to tell migrants en route to the United States that his city was out of space for illegal aliens.

“We want to give people a true picture of what is here,” Adams said at the time, according to POLITICO. “We are at capacity.”

The outlet noted that so-called “asylum seekers” are typically under the impression that cities like NYC “will greet them with luxury and work opportunities.”

This week, reports broke that another Democrat leader will send officials to the southern border with a similar message to Adams’. 

Democrat Gov. Maura Healey of Massachusetts sent state officials to the U.S.-Mexico border this week. 

According to WCVB, the state officials plan to tell families crossing the border, “Our shelters are full.” 

Reportedly, Healey’s office said that the goal of the visit is to make connections with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other organizations to “educate them about the lack of shelter availability in Massachusetts.”

“This trip is an important opportunity to meet with families arriving in the U.S. and the organizations that work with them at the border to make sure they have accurate information about the lack of shelter space in Massachusetts,” said Mass. Emergency Assistance Director General Scott Rice.

The outlet noted that the state is at “full capacity” when it comes to housing illegal aliens. However, families continue to arrive. 

"It is essential that we get the word out that our shelters are full so that families can plan accordingly to make sure they have a safe place to go," Rice said.

Earlier this year, Townhall covered how a Massachusetts couple who volunteered to house illegal immigrants said that a family of four showed up at their doorstep less than an hour after they signed up. 

The couple, Chris and Jessica Stokes, live in Brookline. In the days before the couple signed up to house immigrants, hundreds of illegals were sleeping on the floor of Boston Logan International Airport with no place to go. The family that arrived at the Stokes’ house was in this type of situation.

“We really knew nothing,” Jessica Stokes said in an on-camera interview, emphasizing that they didn’t know their ages, where they were coming from, among other things. 

The family, which includes a couple and their two kids, came from Chile, then to Texas, then to Massachusetts.

"Just the dysfunction is really disheartening and I know that really well-intentioned people are working as hard as they can, it's a state of emergency. But it is distressing to see the volume," Jessica Stokes said.

Additionally, some illegal aliens who were sleeping on the floors of Boston Logan International Airport were relocated to an “overflow” shelter at a community recreation center. Because of this, children’s activities at the center were suspended, which Townhall covered.

“As you know, families continue to come into this country, continue to come into Massachusetts. And, we have, over the last several months, opened up locations throughout the state, including large overflow sites around the state…We have right now, about 7,500 families in Massachusetts housed through that program,” Healey said, adding that the state has “reached capacity.”



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