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This Republican Senate Candidate Wants to Codify Roe v. Wade

AP Photo/Julio Cortez

Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, who is running for the U.S. Senate, launched an advertisement this week where he claims that he will codify Roe v. Wade so that women can end the lives of their unborn children. 


In 2022, the Supreme Court overturned Roe. As a result, many Republican-led states began enacting laws aimed at protecting unborn life. However, Democrats, and some pro-abortion Republicans, have been working to reverse this.

“As governor, I promised to uphold Maryland law on abortion, while providing over-the-counter birth control covered by insurance,” Hogan stated in the ad, which was first obtained by Politico. “And I kept my word. Today, with Roe overturned, many have asked what I’ll do in the United States Senate.”

“I’ll support legislation that makes Roe the law of the land, in every state, so every woman can make her own choice,” Hogan clarified. “I’m Larry Hogan, and I approve this message, because no one should come between a woman and her doctor.”

Last week, Hogan told The New York Times, “I support restoring Roe as the law of the land.”


“I’ll continue to protect the rights of women to make their own reproductive choices just like I did as governor for eight years. I think Marylanders know and trust that when I give them my word, I’m going to keep it, and I’ve protected these rights before. And I’ll do it again in the Senate by supporting a bipartisan compromise to restore Roe as the law of the land,” he said, adding that he’s pro-choice.

Hogan told the Times that he would not support a national ban on abortion.

“Given the definition of what I’m supporting — women’s rights to make their own decision — I would say that’s pro-choice,” he claimed.

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