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GOP Governor Announces He Will Not Seek Another Term

AP Photo/Mary Schwalm, File

New Hampshire GOP Gov. Chris Sununu will not seek another term in 2024, he announced on Wednesday. 

“After much consideration, I have decided to not run for another term as Governor in 2024. Be assured we will keep working and that the Granite State will continue to be our priority for the next 18 months,” he wrote in a statement on Twitter. 


“Public service should never be a career, and the time is right for another Republican to lead our great state,” he added. “This was no easy decision as I truly love serving as Governor.”

Last month, Sununu said in an interview that he was “not leaning” toward another term in office, but that he would make a “firm decision” during the summer. 

“I don’t think I’m going to run again,” Sununu said in an interview on “The Greg Hill Show,” according to The Hill. Sununu won his fourth term as governor in 2022.

The Hill noted that Sununu weighed running for the White House in 2024 but decided against it. 


“Beyond his policy achievements, Governor Sununu has been a unifying force for the Republican Party in our state. He supported candidates up and down the ballot to build a Republican team that cut taxes, balanced the budget year after year, and restored trust in the State Government,” New Hampshire GOP Chairman Chris Ager said in a statement to the outlet about Sununu’s decision Wednesday.

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