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The June Jobs Report Has Arrived

Employers added 206,000 jobs in June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday, slightly higher than the 200,000 nonfarm jobs analysts expected but down from May’s gains, which were revised from 272,000 to 218,000.  


Unemployment also inched up to 4.1 percent in June, which is the first time it’s been above 4 percent since November 2021.

Most of the gains in June, 74 percent, came from government (primarily local), healthcare, and education, CNBC reported.

"The labor market is weakening due to bad Democrat policies like inflationary overspending and burdensome overregulation that hit small business job creators hard," Job Creators Network noted. "Unproductive government jobs and quasi-government healthcare and social assistant jobs made up three-quarters of new employment last month, indicating the productive economy is at a standstill. And past months' job creation was dramatically revised down -- yet again.Voters must elect conservative candidates to pass pro-growth policies like extending the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to boost the American labor market, economy, and living standards." 



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