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Conservative Legal Group Urges Election Officials Nationwide to Halt Non-Citizen Voter Registration

America First Legal sent letters to election officials nationwide on Monday urging them to verify voters’ immigration status to prevent non-citizens from casting ballots in elections.  


Election officials can use Department of Homeland Security data to verify citizenship status of individuals who are registered to vote, the letter says.  

“Based on the information you receive in response, you can take further steps consistent with applicable law to ensure that only U.S. citizens remain on your voter rolls,” the letter adds.  

Congress has required DHS respond to such inquiries but in the event the department does not respond or refuses to comply, legal action can be taken to obtain the requested information. 

“Given the unprecedented levels of illegal immigration since January 20, 2021, the need for action could not be greater, and the stakes could not be higher,” the letter continues. “If you act now, there is likely still time to conduct legally sound voter list maintenance and remove ineligible foreign nationals from your State’s voter rolls before the fall elections.”

Under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, states must provide applicants for welfare benefits with voter registration forms that do not require proof of US citizenship.

The US Election Assistance Commission sheet only asks for a signed attestation, under penalty of perjury, that the applicant is a citizen.

It is illegal for foreign nationals to register to vote or cast ballots in federal elections, but tens of thousands of non-citizens have been discovered on voter rolls, recent audits and investigations have shown.

Hundreds have later ended up voting without being discovered beforehand — not nearly enough to decide election results even in battleground states like Pennsylvania.

But at least 8 million more migrants are expected to be living in the US by October of this year, many of whom are eligible for welfare benefits that would put them within reach of voter registration opportunities. (New York Post)


“Joe Biden is mass importing criminal migrants, giving them social security numbers, and handing out voter registration forms to migrants, and vigorously opposes any and every effort to verify the citizenship of voters before voting," said Stephen Miller, president of America First Legal. "This is a clear, unambiguous, and direct effort to sabotage the 2024 election through potential mass illegal alien voting — aiding and abetting dramatic foreign interference and the subversion of our democracy." 


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