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Hewitt Identifies the One Crucial Aspect About Trump Those on His VP Short List All Agree On

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

Salem radio host Hugh Hewitt identified the one feature about former President Donald Trump those on his VP short list agree on. 

"President Trump himself is a deterrent," he recalls North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum telling him during a recent conversation about the threat China poses to Taiwan, the U.S., and the West in general. 


“America has lost the ability to deter the alliance of evil autocrats around the world,” Hewitt wrote in a Fox News op-ed. “We have to approach this election as though World War III looms, because it does if Biden and his risible ‘advisors’ (read handlers) stay in power. Appeasement hasn’t worked and Team Biden has tried hard to make it work. It doesn’t. It has failed as thoroughly as it did in the 1930s. There is no sign, not even the faintest signal, that the appeasers will change course even after defeat after staggering defeat pile up.”

The radio host pointed to the southern border crisis, the Biden administration’s position toward Israel in its war with Hamas, the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, and how Russia and Iran completely ignored the president’s “don’t” threat. 

Americans don’t want the nation to lose its hegemonic status, nor do they want a third world war, he argued.  


“Read or listen to Burgum or the others on Trump’s short list for Vice President including Senator Tom Cotton, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Senator Marco Rubio and Governor Glenn Youngkin. What do all five of these men agree on? ‘President Trump himself is a deterrent,’” Hewitt continued.

“America needs to understand that’s exactly the first step in restoring deterrence we, and all of the West, needs,” he added. 


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