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Tapper Reacts to Biden's 'Stunning Admission' About Why He's Running

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

CNN’s Jake Tapper questioned the “stunning admission” President Biden made to supporters on Tuesday about why he’s seeking a second term.

During a private donor event in Boston, the president reportedly said, “If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running. But we cannot let him win for the sake of the country.”


After those remarks made headlines, he was again asked about his intention in running for re-election when he returned to the White House Tuesday evening. 

"I expect so. But, look, he is running and I just – I have to run," Biden said, adding that he would not drop out now even if Trump left the race. 

Speaking with CNN political director David Chalian, Tapper wondered what he makes of the president's remarks. 

“What we’re seeing here is a real clearly-defined rationale for Biden pursuing reelection despite his current political standing, which is not that great in the polls, obviously, the conversation about his age, and concern among Democrats if he is the best candidate to put forward,” Chalian said. "He clearly thinks he is the single best Democrat to be able to defeat Donald Trump because he did so once. 

Tapper asked if this is "the kind of admission a candidate should be making." 

Chalian believed the remark would be used by Trump as "an opportunity here to talk about Joe Biden being more focused on him than anything else" but if Biden succeeds in reminding voters of "the contrast with Donald Trump," it "could help rally the troops."

Trump was asked about Biden's remarks during his town hall event on Tuesday, saying someone probably gave Biden the talking point. "They thought that would sound good," he said. 


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