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Did the DNC Release the Wrong Platform?

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

On Monday morning and just hours before their 2024 convention kickoff in Chicago, the Democratic National Committee released its official platform. Bad policy aside, there are some glaring and major errors throughout. 


"President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats are running to finish the job. To grow our economy from the middle out and bottom up, not the top down," the opening preamble states. 

"This election is a choice between two very different economic visions for America: Donald Trump, who sees the world from his country club at Mar-a-Lago; and Joe Biden, who sees it from kitchen tables in Scranton like the one he grew up around. His economic agenda is about Main Street, not Wall Street. It’s about ending the days of trickle-down economics and investing in America – in all Americans – and delivering for communities too long left behind," chapter one says. "We’re delivering on President Biden’s pledge to rebuild our economy from the middle out and bottom up, not the top down. We’re investing in America – in our infrastructure, our industry, our people, and our future."

"In President Biden’s second term, he will continue selecting judges who will protect fundamental rights and who represent the diversity of the American experience," chapter 6 states. 


Clearly someone forgot to edit the platform, which is written as if President Joe Biden is running for reelection with Vice President Kamala Harris. In fact, there 19 references to a second Biden term in the document despite his ousting from the 2024 race by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former President Barack Obama and others at the end of July. Harris was quickly installed as the Democratic nominee and illegally transferred the Biden war chest. 

In one last gesture from those who betrayed him, Biden will speak Monday night from the DNC after being forced to "pass the torch." 

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