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Tyrant Fauci Was Caught on Tape Wanting to 'Make Lives Difficult'

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

During testimony in front of the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Monday, Dr. Anthony Fauci was confronted with his own words by Republican Congressman Rich McCormick. McCormick is a decorated emergency room doctor who treated patients throughout the pandemic. 


Speaking during an audiobook interview in 2020, Fauci said opposition to vaccine mandates were "ideological bullsh*t" and argued that making people's lives difficult would force them to comply with government mandates. 

"It's been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their idealogical bullsh*t and get vaccinated," Fauci said. 

After being exposed to his own statement, Fauci claimed he was taken out of context.

"In reference to making it hard for people to get education, traveling, working, I'd say it was very much in context," McCormick shot back. "Dr. Fauci, you've become Dr. Fear." 

Fauci's testimony, the first since he retired from his post as the highest paid bureaucrat in the federal government, was full of slippery statements and lies. 


In fact, some are calling for him to be charged with perjury. 


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