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Dozens of Senators Demand New Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Fraud

(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Dozens of Republican Senators are demanding a new investigation into Planned Parenthood after the abortion giant fraudulently applied for and received taxpayer funds through the Paycheck Protection Program. 


"The Paycheck Protection Program established by the CARES Act was designed by Congress to help struggling small businesses and nonprofit organizations by giving them access to low-cost loans for expenses like keeping their employees on payroll during this pandemic. It was not designed to give government funds to politicized, partisan abortion providers like Planned Parenthood," a letter signed by 27 Senators and sent to Attorney General Bill Barr states. 

"The funds in the program are not unlimited, and were depleted once already because of high demand. Planned Parenthood fraudulently taking tens of millions of dollars that were intended to help keep those small businesses and nonprofit organizations afloat cannot stand and must be addressed," the letter continued. 

The letter was signed Senators Cruz, Cotton, Blackburn, Loeffler, Scott, Lee, Sasse, Boozman, Thune, Braun, Young, Cassidy, Inhofe, Cornyn, Daines, Enzi, Joni Ernst, Graham, Hyde-Smith, Kennedy, Lankford, Perdue, Risch, Romney, Rounds and Tim Scott. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also signed on. 


Planned Parenthood officials claim they did not know the organization was not eligible for the program and claim because funds were distributed to clinics around the country, they cannot pay it back. 

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has pledged to hold entities falsely taking advantage of PPP, accountable. 

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