During yesterday's lengthy Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz made it clear nobody at the FBI has been "vindicated" as a result of his investigation into FISA abuse at the Bureau.
As soon as the report was published on Monday, fired FBI Director James Comey took a victory lap and threatened retaliation.
So it was all lies. No treason. No spying on the campaign. No tapping Trumps wires. It was just good people trying to protect America. https://t.co/9nurCaIBq2
— James Comey (@Comey) December 9, 2019
But after hours of testimony and hundreds of pages, it is clear rampant misconduct repeatedly occurred against Trump campaign official Carter Page. The behavior was so egregious, Horowitz submitted his entire report to U.S. Attorney John Durham as a criminal referral.
During an interview with Fox News Wednesday night, former House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy laid out the most important revelations of the report and had some advice for Comey.
"We need a good Department of Justice but what they did 2016 and 2017 is just wrong. So, I don't know what report Comey read. This is the third IG report that has found his conduct to be substandard. If that's a victory lap, if he wants to take a victory lap because he's not indicted more power to him but don't write any more books on ethics though. Don't tell me what the ethical standard is if you think this report vindicates you," Gowdy said.
Meanwhile Durham's investigation, which is much broader in scope with prosecutorial authority, is expected to be finished in the coming months.
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