Meanwhile, liberals in the state and against the recall, are acting as respectfully as you might expect. More from Kelly Maher:
The morning of the first day of recall voting in the John Morse recall election in Colorado Springs, CO one of our livestream cameras got video of two guys taking pro-recall yard signs. It’s important to note that these signs were outside the 100 ft. electioneering prohibition zones that are set up around the entrance of every voting location.
Last year, efforts were made in Colorado to strengthen voter identification laws. Those efforts were unsuccessful.
Colorado's Republican legislators, with backing from Republican Secretary of State Scott Gessler, unsuccessfully attempted to tighten the state's voter identification laws last year by requiring a photo ID to vote.
Last month, Gessler announced he sent out letters to about 300 more registered voters asking them to prove their citizenship.
Gessler has also continued to stump for new voter fraud measures in Colorado, saying that in states that have implemented photo-ID laws, fears of voter suppression have not materialized. Opponents of such laws say they unfairly affect minority voters.
"The Colorado Legislature has denied you the tools to verify that people are doing things properly," Gessler said. "We're seeing the problems an election can have because of it."
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