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Vast Majority of Americans Want Special Prosecutor for IRS Scandal

In light of the IRS targeting of conservative groups, President Obama is perfectly content with allowing Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate what happened. The vast majority of Americans however, disagree and want a special prosecutor to look into inappropriate treatment of tea party and patriot groups.


Three-quarters of U.S. voters want a special prosecutor to investigate the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of Tea Party groups, according to a poll that showed a drop in President Barack Obama’s approval and trust ratings.

In the survey released today by Hamden, Connecticut-based Quinnipiac University, registered voters favored a special prosecutor by 76 percent to 17 percent. Those backing such a move included 63 percent of Democrats.

“There is overwhelming bipartisan support for an independent investigation into the IRS,” Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac polling institute, said in a news release.

Out of all the scandals the Obama administration finds itself embroiled in, Americans believe the IRS situation is the most important to address.

In the poll, 44 percent of voters said that investigating the IRS actions was the most important of the three matters, followed by Benghazi, 24 percent, and the search warrants for journalist records, 15 percent.


Meanwhile, despite the White House still pleading ignorance on IRS targeting of conservative groups, it turns out former IRS Commissioner David Shulman visited the White House a whopping 157 times during Obama's first term, more than any other cabinet member. Via the DC:

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