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'The Border Is Not Open': Ridiculous Moments From Mayorkas' Congressional Hearing

Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool via AP

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas once again testified to the House of Representatives on Wednesday and it once again was filled with moments that leave you shaking your head.


At the outset, Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), the ranking member on the Judiciary Committee, said Republicans were wrong on all fronts when it comes to their criticisms against Mayorkas for his handling of the border crisis.

"My Republican colleagues claim the border is open, is the border open, Mr. Secretary?" Nadler asked.

"No, it is not," Mayorkas replied.

"Thank you Mr. Secretary. The border is not open and to say so is not only false, but it is really an insult to the brave men and women of Border Patrol who work everyday to keep us safe," Nalder proclaimed.

Not only have historically high illegal border crossings under the Biden administration prove the border has been opened, but Border Patrol agents themselves have characterized the border as open. 

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) asked if Mayorkas would you say the Biden administration and the Department of Homeland Security have operational control at the border.


Mayorkas said according to their definition of operational control, they do.

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), of Guam tipping over fame, said, "MAGA Republican extremists...want the American people to believe that the border is out of control, that drugs are flowing in freely...Latino immigrants are coming to rape, rob, and murder our families, but in reality the greatest threat facing our homeland is white nationalist ideology..."

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) completely ignored the historic illegal border crossings that have occurred under the Biden administration and held up a chart of southern border encounters from last month to compare one month under the Trump admin.

"The facts show the southern border is doing better last month than it is was under Trump in May 2019," he declared.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) blamed Republicans for incentivizing people to cross the border illegally because they say the border is open, telling Mayorkas, "They're rooting for that chaos, you are trying to bring solutions to stop that."


Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) even ran interference when Mayorkas did not want to provide details of the whereabouts of those who were encountered at the southern border and were flagged for being on a terrorist watch list.


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