Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) told MSNBC on Wednesday she does not plan on asking the federal government for help as the city continues to experience protests, riots, looting, and rising crime rates.
Late Sunday night and early Monday morning saw mass looting along the Magnificent Mile, where high-end stores are located in the downtown area. President Trump said federal assistance is standing by to help and all Chicago needs to do is ask.
More than 100 people were arrested and 13 Chicago police officers were injured during Monday's riot.
"You know, those are the words of somebody who doesn’t understand the first thing about local policing, doesn’t understand the first thing about building authentic relationships with members of the community. Case in point is look at the disastrous efforts of the federal government under this administration in Portland. It didn’t help. It hurt. It exacerbated problems. I’m not letting that happen in my city," Lightfoot said.
She said the federal government can help by passing more gun control laws and it shows why the United States needs to have Joe Biden as president.
"Yes, of course, we have our challenges but the thing this federal government is uniquely qualified to do is things like pass common-sense gun reform, make sure that everybody has background checks, stop the availability of assault weapons," she continued. "People that are on a no-fly list shouldn’t be able to get weapons. The list goes on and on. The things that could really help cities to stop putting guns in the hands of criminals, this president has shown an absolute abject unwillingness to even discuss, let alone move on. So I need a leader in Washington, D.C. who is willing to take on the gun lobby and do what’s right for our children in our cities. That’s is not President Donald Trump. We need Joe Biden."
Chicago Alderman Brian Hopkins released a statement on Monday saying the city should ask for federal assistance if Lightfoot is unable to handle future unrest.
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