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This University Might Soon Regret Silencing Conservative Speech on Campus

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

Young America's Foundation (YAF) filed a legal complaint with the Trump administration’s Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights on Wednesday alleging that Embry-Riddle Aeronautics University (ERAU) has cracked down on certain forms of speech, violating several of President Donald Trump’s executive orders.


Spencer Brown, YAF’s Chief Communications Officer announced the filing in a Wednesday post on X, laying out the university’s alleged anti-speech policies and practices.

Brown noted that when YAF members sought to commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day by handing out Israeli flags and pro-Israel buttons, the school did not allow it.

When YAF students tried to observe Holocaust Remembrance Day, administrators had "concerns" about the plans that included "giving out Israel flags and pro-Israel buttons" because "those don’t seem directly connected to the day of significance and could be considered political."

Yet, it appears the administrator who told the organization that they could not have pro-Israel paraphernalia because of politics has no problem displaying her political views on her office door.


Brown further explained that the university allows students to publicly tout gender ideology while shutting down those who understand that men cannot become women or vice versa.

Despite allowing campus property to be used to observe, celebrate, and support radical leftist gender ideology, @EmbryRiddle told @YAF's activists that they couldn't hold 'discussions about the number of genders' in 'outdoor or other public places.'

The organization was told that “Discussions about the number of genders has been determined to meet our definition of political content,” which means that “this event cannot take place in outdoor or other public spaces.”

The complaint alleges that ERAU is violating Title VI and IX by imposing discriminatory policies against right-leaning students. The group argues that the university enacted a ban on speech in October 2024 barring “any outdoor events and demonstrations” on “religious and political causes.”


Yet, this ban has been enforced in a biased manner, used against conservative students and not against those on the left. University officials told YAF that their activism would only be allowed “behind closed doors with security present,” according to the filing.

YAF also argues that the university has shut down a myriad of conservative events, including a “Stand with Israel” display and a 9/11 memorial. It also prohibited detransitioner Chloe Cole from delivering a speech on campus even though the school has proudly supported those who support gender ideology.

Let’s have more of this, please. For years, many universities like ERAU have blatantly silenced speech for political reasons. In this case, it appears the school’s administration flouted the First Amendment with impunity, promoting progressive ideology while squashing expressions of right-leaning ideas. With a new administration in the White House, perhaps it will now be harder for these schools to impose their political views on students while cracking down on dissenting ideas.

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