HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius knows how to spend her Martin Luther King Jr. Day: by pushing Obamacare down the American peoples’ throats. No matter what the occasion, the Obama administration doesn’t miss a single opportunity to beat the drum for Obamacare.
Ms. Sebelius said today, “As we celebrate the inspirational life of Dr. King, please join us in this historic effort by helping your friends, neighbors, and loved ones get covered through the Marketplace.” She even went on to try and twist Dr. King’s words and make today’s holiday in remembrance and turn it into a PR stunt for Obamacare.
She explained that King’s civil rights leadership extended to advocacy for the poor, and that he was also worried about health care inequality.
“Dr. King memorably described inequality in health care as the ‘most shocking and inhumane’ form of injustice,” Sebelius continued in her Friday statement. “These words continue to resonate, as there is nothing more essential to opportunity than good health.”
According to the HHS secretary, the “Affordable Care Act” has rung in a “new day in health care.”
“Across the nation, millions of Americans are signing up for quality, affordable health insurance through the new Health Insurance Marketplace,” she said.
Clearly the Obama administration is doing whatever it can to promote its failing health care policy. Remember just last summer how President Obama pointed to MLK as someone who would embrace the new health care reform. This is just another pathetic attempt that the Obama administration is willing to make in order to persuade the American people to sign up for Obamacare.
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