Acting in his usual, completely inappropriate behavior, Harry Reid once again took on the Speaker of the House with his latest statements on immigration reform. In a threat-like statement, Reid said that if Republicans ever want to see a president from their party again, they will sign on to an immigration reform deal.
The Senate Majority Leader told his hometown newspaper,
“If the Republicans ever want to elect a Republican president again, they’re going to have to get right with the Hispanic and Asian community who, by more than 70 percent, voted for Obama last time."
Well excuse me! Reid then went on to claim that many Republicans don't care about immigration reform because they come from districts with fewer minorities. That seems to be a very broad statement Mr. Reid.
Reid seems to believe that there is going to be so much pressure, the Republicans will have no choice but to cave and approve the measure. I guess Harry Reid forgot about how bipartisanship
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