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Endless: 'Migrant' Crime Spree Continues Across America

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

As we've noted on multiple occasions now, this has basically become a weekly installment -- not because we are combing through obscure news items to feed a baseless narrative, but because it's an inescapable problem. We left off last week in Colorado, where numerous multi-member gangs have inflicted crime and terror on various businesses and communities in recent months.  The alleged perpetrators include known gang-affiliated people who were encountered at the border, "vetted," and released into the US, known got-aways, and individuals who were arrested for various crimes in 'sanctuary' jurisdictions -- facing no threat of deportation, despite their illegal status -- only to flee to separate sanctuaries and commit more crimes.  Incentives matter and produce behavioral results.  

And this is a small snapshot of the expanding, unacceptable result in the sanctuary cities and state of Demcrat-run Colorado:

That merely scratches the surface.  Recall that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are enthusiastic boosters of sanctuary laws -- in California and Minnesota.  Meanwhile in battleground Georgia (home to the Laken Riley atrocity), we have this terrible incident, reported by News Nation:

Two parents dead.  An orphaned baby badly hurt,  The alleged perpetrator is an illegal immigrant with multiple previous arrests, over years, including:

Sources confirm that his previous encounters with law enforcement include: 3/10/12: Arrested for possession of alcohol by minor: Dismissed/Possession of marijuana: Not prosecuted. 1/22/14: Driving without a license. 3/16/23: Purchase, possession, manufacture, distribution or sale of marijuana. Convicted 4/20/23: Probation for 12 months—20 hours community service and $875 fine. 

How on earth is this acceptable?  In what world are 'sanctuary' polices that protect such conduct defensible?  Pro-illegal immigration politicians and media members should be robustly and frequently challenged with such questions. These inquiries are not racist or xenophobic.  They are morally necessary.  Another example, from Arkansas:

He was previously caught by Border Patrol while crossing illegally into the US in October 2018, and was deported back to Honduras by the Trump administration the following month. It's unclear when he re-entered the US as a gotaway. He is now charged with Negligent Homicide, Battery, DUI, Violation of the Concealed Weapons Act, Reckless Driving, Driving without a License, Failure to Stop After Accident with Death, and other traffic violations.

This man is very likely one of the two million known got-aways who've entered America illegally since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took over.  Harris, the Border Czar, asserted that the border is "secure," a lie.  Meanwhile, from deep red Arkansas to deep blue Massachusetts:

Another accused child rapist. Another known got-away.  This should be, and is, regardless of whether the victims are in a Republican stronghold or a Democratic area.  People with no right to be in the country should not have the ability to terrorize, assault, and kill our people.  I repeat: Saying so is neither racist nor xenophobic; it's morally necessary, which crosses racial and socioeconomic lines. Melugin offers the following context on the broader problem, which includes quasi-'legal' migrants, welcomed here by Biden-Harris policies:

Per newly released CBP data, nearly 530,000 migrants have flown into the US & have been paroled into the country as part of the Biden administration’s controversial CHNV mass parole program. Additionally, approx 813,000 migrants have scheduled appointments via the CBP One app at ports of entry to be released into the US.These are “lawful pathways” created by the Biden administration, and these numbers do not count in Border Patrol data, as they are not illegal crossings. Most of the migrants taking part in these programs are paroled into the U.S. on two year humanitarian parole grants, which also allow them to apply to work. Every single ICE source/contact I’ve spoken with has told me the same thing - they do not have the manpower or resources to find and deport such a large population of people if they overstay these 2 year grants. As it stands now, ICE’s non-detained docket is on track to hit 8 million by the end of the year, and each ICE officer currently manages an average of 7,000 cases. The agency is already tasked with tracking down and removing those with final orders of removal, aggravated felons, gotaways, etc. They physically do not have the bodies to track and remove this additional population - and there has been no government agency monitoring parole expiration, according to a recent DHS Inspector General report. The bottom line - the more than 1 million migrants the Biden admin has allowed into the U.S. via these programs are here to stay - even if they fall out of status and become unlawfully in the U.S.  

This is quite literally be design.  And as the report notes, none of these stats "count" toward the unprecedented totals racked up (10 million illegal crossings) by the Biden-Harris administration.  But they absolutely count toward the problem.  I'll leave you with an example of how the illegitimate, election-stealing Communist regime in Caracas is treating Americans -- as they send criminals and gang members to the United States, who are immediately treated favorably by 'sanctuary' politicians like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz:


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