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SCOTUScare “Does Real Violence to the Rule of Law”

On this week's Townhall Review:

After horrible tragedies, like the shooting at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, most partisan politicians give some daylight between the tragedy and their own agenda. Not Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Michael Medved explains. Mike Gallagher speaks with Pastor Dimas Salaberrios who personally assisted those hurting in the wake of the shooting. Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren, discusses his new book with Michael Medved. Bill Bennett turns to Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol to talk about why, on Iran, George W. Bush was right and Barack Obama is wrong. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal shares his personal faith conversion with Michael Medved. Hugh Hewitt talks with Hoover Institution’s Lanhee Chen about the Supreme Court’s disgraceful 6-3 decision to embrace Obamacare–again. Chen argues that Justice Roberts’ contortions of language do real violence to the rule of law. Guest host Larry Elder on the Dennis Prager Show believes that race is not an epidemic in the U.S., but Democrats have a lot to gain by treating it that way.


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