Now that the president’s “you can keep your health care plan” lie has been thoroughly exposed and debunked as fiction, the conservative-leaning non-profit organization, American Crossroads, is turning up the heat on Red State Senate Democrats. Not only has the president been peddling the lie for months, but so, too, have his allies in the United States Senate. In particular, American Crossroads is targeting three vulnerable incumbents up for re-election in 2014. They are as follows:
The president of American Crossroads released the following statement:
“Senators Begich, Hagan and Landrieu joined Barack Obama in lying to the American people about Obamacare, and now millions of Americans are losing their current coverage as a result,” said American Crossroads president and CEO Steven Law. “These Democrats use lies to promote their agenda and then attack their opponents. When Americans see Democratic attack ads next year, they need to remember this wasn't the first time these people lied to them.”
All three Senators voted for Obamacare. Perhaps they’ll wish they hadn’t come Election Day.
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