He seems to be doing well now but he did undergo heart surgery early Tuesday morning:
Former President George W. Bush is in "high spirits" after heart surgery early this morning, his office said Tuesday.
During a physical examination on Monday, doctors found a blockage in the artery of the former president's heart, said Bush spokesman Freddy Ford.
"At the recommendation of his doctors, President Bush agreed to have a stent placed to open the blockage," Ford said.
The procedure at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas went off "without complication" early Monday morning, Ford said.
The news caught the political world by surprise.
Bush was among the most physically active of presidents, with frequent exercise that ranged from early morning workouts to bike rides.
Bush will reportedly not head home from the hospital until Wednesday, but will “resume his normal activities” later this week, according to his spokesman.
Of course, we at Townhall wish you a safe and speedy recovery, Mr. President.
UPDATE: And as expected, the crazies are out openly hoping George W. Bush would die. Sickening.
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