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Gingrich, Huckabee Not Impressed With Prospect of Romney in Trump Cabinet

Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee are two people not rooting for Mitt Romney to have a place in President-elect Donald Trump's White House - at least not in the State Department. The two threw a bit of shade Romney's way this week as Trump considers the former Massachusetts governor for secretary of state. 


Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said choosing Romney would be an "insult" to Trump voters, considering how Romney tried to "derail" the eventual GOP nominee throughout the campaign cycle. Romney didn't simply disagree with Trump's policies, he attacked Trump personally, questioning both his character and integrity, Huckabee reminded the Fox anchors. 

Before Romney even considers accepting a position in Trump's cabinet, Huckabee said Romney needs to publicly retract his statements. 

Gingrich was just as blunt, though he focused more on Romney's temperament, which he said is ill-suited for the state department.

"I can think of 20 other people who would be more naturally compatible with the Trump vision of foreign policy," Gingrich said on Fox News Tuesday night. He doubted Romney would be able to take a tough, "America first" approach if he was appointed.


Some of those other 20 candidates being considered for the job include former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former UN ambassador John Bolton.

Romney's Trump attacks this past year is certainly an explanation for Gingrich's and Huckabee's lack of enthusiasm for his potential appointment, yet some pundits are surmising that tension still exists from former GOP primaries. 

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