Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is facing confirmation hearings today for his appointment as attorney general. Sessions brought several members of his family, including four of his granddaughters, to the hearing and was at one point holding one of his (adorable) granddaughters on his lap.
#Sessions is a highly qualified pick for Attorney General
— Heritage Foundation (@Heritage) January 10, 2017
Of course, this was too much for at least one journalist. In a blisteringly-hot take, Ira Madison of MTV News launched into a tweetstorm that began with stating that Sessions should "kindly return this Asian baby to the Toys "R" Us you stole her from."
In a since-deleted tweet, Madison also claimed that the girl was adopted to deflect accusations of racism. She is in fact Sessions' biological granddaughter.
Would’ve been shorter to just type “I’m a bad person and a bigot” tbqh.
— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) January 10, 2017
After being reminded that Sessions' mixed-race granddaughter actually wasn't adopted, Madison then attempted to backpedal and called her a "prop."
Madison also deleted the "Toys 'R' Us" tweet as well, posting a non-apology apology.
I often tell jokes, but seeing as bringing up Sessions' history of racial hatred of Asians is seen as an attack on his grandchild, I deleted
— Ira Madison III (@ira) January 10, 2017
People were not impressed:
.@ira "I'll show you how racist Jeff Sessions is by showing how racist I am!"
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) January 10, 2017
.@ira STOP
— Jessica Chasmar (@JessicaChasmar) January 10, 2017
Absolutely disgusting comment. That is his granddaughter.
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) January 10, 2017
Have mixed race grandkids? They're props. They did this with Romney too. A black spouse? You're still a racist. 11/
— ??Amy Curtis?? (@VLRAmyCurtis) January 10, 2017
Disgusting tweet. The little girl is his granddaughter. Delete your account and find some humanity.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) January 10, 2017
Spitballing here, but one may be "this is my grandchild."
— Drew (@FigDrewton) January 10, 2017
I mean, it goes without saying that this is gross. But, come on. They're his grandchildren, and he's got every right to hold them whenever he damn well pleases.
UPDATE: There's also this delicious piece of irony, courtesy of Michelle Malkin.
Fun fact: This racist @MTVNews moron writes a column called "Delete Your Account" chronicling social media blunders.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) January 10, 2017
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