President Obama has removed all restrictions on importing Cuban rum and cigars to the United States. Previously, Americans were limited to only bringing back $100 worth of Cuban cigars or alcohol in carry-on items. (This, of course, was an expansion of the five-decade complete embargo on bringing any amount of Cuban goods to the United States.)
Unfortunately for cigar aficionados, this only applies to importing cigars and alcohol from a trip to Cuba--a person still won't be allowed to order Cuban cigars online and get them delivered.
The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on the island's famed rum and cigars.
Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption. Sorry American couch potatoes: You can't order Cuban rum and cigars online and have them shipped to your home.
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