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After Voting to Abolish Cops, Minneapolis City Council Members Hire Private Security

AP Photo/Matt York

Police for me but not for thee. 

The Minneapolis City Council voted unanimously to defund and dismantle the city's police department. Instead of having armed police officers responding to violent criminals, the new plan, which is still in the works, will reportedly task social workers, or some other type of liberal arts major, with keeping the streets safe in Minneapolis. 


But FOX 9 News learned the city is now spending $4,500 a day on private security for three city council members following the death of George Floyd. A city spokesperson told FOX 9 that security details have already cost the city $63,000 over the past three weeks. 

The Minneapolis city council is comprised of 12 Democratic-Farmer-Labor members and one Green Party of Minneapolis member. The three members provided private security are Andrea Jenkins, Phillipe Cunnigham, and Alondra Cano, all outspoken supporters of defunding the police. So these leftists hire muscle to protect themselves but abolish cops who protect everyone else. Something tells me the private security guards don't have graduate degrees in social work.

"I don’t feel comfortable publicly discussing the death threats against me or the level of security I currently have protecting me from those threats," said Councilmember Cunningham in a text message to FOX 9, adding the private security was only temporary.

I bet he doesn't feel comfortable discussing it. 

"My concern is the large number of white nationalist(s) in our city and other threatening communications I’ve been receiving," wrote Councilmembers Jenkins in an email to FOX 9. 

So she gets private security to protect her from whatever boogeyman keeps her up at night, but those looted store owners and Minneapolis residents beat to a pulp will be on their own? Jenkins said she's been requesting private security since she was sworn into office. 


The other councilmember, Cano, didn't respond to FOX 9.

The soon-to-be-scrapped Minneapolis Police Department told FOX 9 that, while it's possible a police report could be filed confidentially, the department has no recent reports of any threats made against council members. 

Jenkins – who claims she's been threatened and attacked over her ethnicity, gender identity and sexuality – says she didn't have time to report the threats to the police department because she's been too busy. 

You want to know what privilege looks like in America, this is it. 

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