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Adam Schiff May Have an Unlikely Opponent Come November

Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool Photo via AP

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) has done everything in his power to get President Donald Trump ousted from office. For more than two years we heard about how the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. Schiff told the American people to wait for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report, promising he would provide the smoking gun that absolutely proved collusion happened. When Mueller's report came out, Schiff's narrative was blown up. Mueller found no collusion took place. What did Schiff do? Instead of admitting that Trump was duly elected and the man the American people wanted to lead this country, Schiff looked for a different "impeachable offense." That's when he latched onto Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Schiff and the rest of the Democrats claimed Trump engaged in quid pro quo, that he threatened to withhold military aid to Ukraine unless Zelensky investigated former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, for corruption. 


Now we're in the middle of this disastrous impeachment saga that takes away from the important work that Congress should be doing, like addressing the homeless crisis in places like San Francisco and Los Angeles. 

Dr. Drew Pinsky realized he lives in Adam Schiff's district and feels compelled to run against the sitting congressman. He came to the realization while watching the impeachment hearings.

"I went to the White House and gave a presentation to the Homeless Symposium we had there. And it was a really meaningful experience for me. They played some of the CSPAN tapes and at the end of that I said, you know, I feel so upset about this. I feel like I have to do something politically," Pinsky told Fox News' Laura Ingraham. "I wake up every day upset. I feel like I must do something."

"People have come to me for various kinds of political engagements and I was watching the impeachment hearings and I was like wait a minute. I think I live in Adam Schiff's district. I didn't even know he was my congressman," Pinsky recounted. "I've lived there for 20 years and we're dying out here. I am sick of the political theater and I want someone to govern. We need help. I need the IMD exclusion lifted so we can treat the mentally chronically ill. We need infrastructure. We are dying in Southern California and these guys are engaged in political theater."

"I'm like morally obliged to do something," Pinky said. "I don't want to, Laura. I don't want to. I don't want to do this. It's not my thing but I feel like I have to."


America would be better off with a Congressman Dr. Drew Pinsky. Please, Dr. Drew. Run. California needs you. America needs you.


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