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Dems Are Partying With Lobbyists In Puerto Rico While Government Employees Are Losing Their Homes

We're currently in the midst of the longest government shutdown in American history. President Donald Trump said he would stay in the White House all weekend, in hopes that Democrats would be willing to negotiate a budget that included funding for his highly-anticipated border wall. That definitely won't happen now that it's known that at least 30 Democrats are partying in Puerto Rico with hundreds of lobbyists. It's all part of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC winter retreat, The Washington Examiner reported.


Apparently Democrats decided to hold the retreat in Puerto Rico to help draw attention to the destruction Hurricane Maria caused back in 2017. They brought 250lbs of donated medical supplies. But the trip is lavish. BOLD PAC chartered a 737 for members, their families, and chiefs of staff to attend for the weekend. 

No one knows exactly which members are in attendance. Speaker Pelosi was rumored to be in attendance but one of her staffers said she was unable to make the trip. 

Organizers must have realized how horrible the optics are: Here are Democrats, who claim to be the champion of the worker, partying in Puerto Rico while 800,000 federal employees are worrying about how they're going to pay their bills and keep a roof over their heads.

Bold PAC Chair Rep. Tony Cardenas released the following statement about the shutdown and their "important weekend" in Puerto Rico:

House Democrats voted to open the government multiple times; sadly, Senate Republicans and President Trump are continuing to put partisan politics ahead of our country, forcing the government to remain shut down. As our Bold PAC members make their way to Puerto Rico for this important weekend — the largest contingency of House Democrats to visit Puerto Rico where they'll be hearing from Commonwealth and local elected officials about the ongoing recovery efforts — we will be closely monitoring the situation in Washington. If there is any progress by Senate Republicans or the White House to reopen the federal government, then we will act accordingly.

This gathering was planned months before Trump decided to shut down the federal government for his unnecessary and costly border wall. The purpose of hosting Bold PAC’s retreat in Puerto Rico is to see and hear from the more than 3.5 million American citizens who have been working tirelessly to rebuild their lives on the Island after Hurricane Maria. This remains a national priority, and it is necessary for us to be there and honor our fellow American children, seniors, veterans, men and women.


So now it's President Trump's faults that Democrats flee? Come on now. They could have easily canceled the trip if they truly cared about working people.

Because nothing says "I represent the American people" like sitting on a warm sandy beach while people are fighting to put food on their tables, clothes on their backs and roofs over their heads because politicians can't agree on anything.

Great job representing your constituents, Democrats. Job well done.

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