Shoppers at a Philadelphia supermarket Sunday said they found pro-life cards hidden amongst products on the store’s shelves.
“I was upset because it’s very invasive,” said Annie Weiss, a mother of two who discovered a card hidden in a box of diapers she purchased.
“I didn’t have the choice to see that card,” she commented, referring to the image on the back which allegedly shows the form of a dead fetus.
“God hates the hands that shed innocent blood,” the card reportedly reads.
According to reports, employees have since searched the store where the cards were discovered and have found and removed 10 more.
The web address printed on the card,, is the website of a group whose aim is “to end one of the greatest human miseries and moral evils ever to be entrenched in our world.”
“Human beings are created in the image of Almighty God, the very Creator of the universe. The weakest and most helpless among us have been subjected by this wicked culture to accepted, legal, and systematic destruction,” adding “We are simply attempting to answer the question: What does Christianity look like in a culture that practices Child Sacrifice?”
The website also states that “Central to our work is the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,” and they they do not consider themselves “pro-life” because “Pro-life is the expression of a moral opinion.”
“Abolition is the expression of a moral action. When you call yourself ‘pro-life’ you are letting people know what you think about abortion. When you call yourself an abolitionist, you are telling them what you aim to do about it.”
Although many conservatives are hopeful President Trump’s SCOTUS nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, will eventually overturn Roe v. Wade, critics argue that it won’t be that easy.
“There is, to be sure, a long and winding road to overturning Roe. To start, it’s no guarantee that the Senate will confirm Kavanaugh,” writes Kimberly Leonard.
“Even if Kavanaugh is confirmed, it is far from a guarantee that a newly constituted Supreme Court would overturn Roe… if Roe is overturned, the decision to legalize abortion would fall to states and popular opinion, and voting patterns would play a much larger role in determining abortion policy,” Leonard concluded.
President of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) Star Parker wrote in July that the Declaration of Independence “lays the groundwork for us” when it comes to the sanctity of life.
“It tells us that all men are endowed by their Creator ‘with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. — That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men.’ The important news here, if you accept the founding document of our nation, is that human rights are not created by government. They precede it." “The point of government is to build a fence around and protect these rights — these truths — articulated in the Declaration. Regarding life, the Declaration tells us that the role of government is to protect it,” she said, adding “Legal abortion is, at its core, about whether unborn children should be included in what we consider mankind. If yes, they must be protected, like all life.”
However, the Abolish Human Abortion organization laments that “the history of the pro-life movement has been one of gradualistic means and measures, incremental legislation, ameliorative programs, and the inclusion of exceptions to abortion along the way to its eventual total abolition.”
“Abolitionists reject the idea that you can effectively fight evil by allowing it in some cases or do away with it by planned out incremental steps which preserve it along the way… Abolitionists cry NO COMPROMISE!!! Pro-lifers cry ‘get the best that you can get when you can get it,’ and consistently support the ‘lesser of two evils.’”
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