Results for: national political news

MSNBC's National Political Correspondent Gives Democrats the 'Bad News' for Midterms…bidens-job-approval-means-for-their-midterm-chances-n2613993
– MSNBC’s national political correspondent Steve Kornacki analyzed recent polling during "Deadline White House," to give viewers a better … “This is not good news,” for Democrats, he noted. … That’s the bad news for Democrats.”…
Hitting Bottom: More People Than Ever Don't Believe Political News…re-than-half-of-americans-dont-trust-political-news-n2473691
– According to a new Rasmussen survey, more people than ever distrust political news.    … Voters now say they do not trust the political news they are getting, up from last June’s previous high of 46%.   … political news they are getting, down slightly from surveys since 2016.  …
How Americans Rate News Networks
– On the national level, liberals were aghast to find that Fox News ranks No. 1 as the most trusted source of news among the various … Perhaps the only other decisive opinion as to trust of national news networks was the relatively dismal level of support received by … And just as local news continues to expand, so do networks, such as the new Newsmax TV, which has entered the national scene.…
Townhall's Guy Benson to Host New Fox Radio Show with Marie Harf…y-benson-to-host-new-fox-radio-show-with-marie-harf-n2469641
– On May 7th, Townhall political editor Guy Benson and Fox News analyst Marie Harf are set to debut a brand new show — appropriately … Chief Political Anchor Bret Baier and fellow Fox News contributor and anchor Dana Perino: Congrats @guypbenson … In contrast, Harf is a relative newcomer to the Fox News team, having just joined the network as a national security and political
How We Get to the Bottom of the Obama White House's Domestic Spying…he-bottom-of-the-obama-white-houses-domestic-spying-n2568847
– apparatus for political ends. … If anyone on the Obama team misused our national security apparatus to spy on their political opponents, it would be the greatest political … Patel also co-founded The Daily Caller News Foundation, a nonprofit news company that trains journalists, produces fact-checks and…
Poll Underlines Liberal Dominance in TV News
– The poll also found that across the board, news consumers insist there is "too much opinion-based political commentary" in their news … The numbers were stronger in cable news, but "too much opinion" beat "the right amount of opinion-based political commentary" on every … Anyone observing the "news" agenda today should probably admit that saying any national media outlet has "no political lean" is a stretch…
By Obsessing About Extremes, Media Loses Touch With America…ssing-about-extremes-media-loses-touch-with-america-n2372417
– The America portrayed on the evening news is unrecognizable to most Americans. … Rather than reflecting the realities of a complex and dynamic nation, the national news media seems to treat real events as little … news programs need to change their ways.…
HA! A Major Gun Advocacy Group Is More Popular Than The NFL
– According to a new Fox News poll, the National Rifle Association is more popular than the National Football League. … who conducted the Fox News Poll with Republican Pollster Daron Shaw. … It doesn't matter what race, ethnicity or political background you come from.…
Republicans, Democrats Trade Pre-Election Jabs .,_democrats_trade_pre-election_jabs_
– Republicans and Democrats traded last-minute jabs on the Sunday morning talk shows, seeking to leverage late-breaking news in the runup … On Fox News Sunday, former Alaska Gov. … "I think it's going to be a political earthquake," Ms. Palin predicted of Tuesday's vote.…
Bachmann Accuses CBS News of Bias During GOP Debate
– Following Saturday’s GOP CBS/National Journal debate, the Michele Bachmann campaign accused CBS News of organizing a biased event … After accidently receiving an internal email from John Dickerson – the newly appointed political director for CBS News – her campaign … View the attached email by CBS Newspolitical director from earlier today–we need to show the liberal media elite that we won’t stand…
The Media's Massive Credibility Problem
– Only 38 percent said national political coverage is accurate and reliable, while 42 percent said it is not. … "We asked about national political reporters. Are they credible? Are they reliable?" said Rasmussen. … The "news" media no longer exist.…
The Liberal National Media Admittedly "Culture of Like Minds"
– It is not often that members of the liberal national media admit their biases. … The members of the liberal national media are surrounded by others who share their beliefs and political prejudices. … This is not breaking news.…
Poll: Trump White House More Trusted To Be Truthful Than News Media, Majority Finds Press To Be Out Of Touch…news-media-majority-finds-press-to-be-out-of-touch-n2320870
– “We are not fake news, we are not failing news organizations and we are not the enemy of the American people,” said Jeff Mason, president … Moreover, the news media’s shameless liberal bias, among other things, has earned the institution low marks with Americans. … political media.…
Republican Journalists Banned
– Everyone knows that the Democratic Party won’t let Fox News host its presidential debates. … He used to write articles for the conservative National Review. … This amounts to political advice.…
The Need for a ‘National Political Timeout’
– A perfect segue to why I am proposing a new initiative called, the “National Political Timeout.” … We can’t, so instituting a “National Political Timeout” addresses the need for a political mental health break. … That means the chances of my “National Political Timeout” initiative becoming an official act is only a kumbaya pipedream.…
Ari Fleischer Joins Fox News as a Contributor
– Fellow former Bush Press Secretary Dana Perino is also employed at Fox News.  … Fleischer will appear on Fox News Channel as well as Fox Business Network.  … “I very much look forward to joining FOX and to sharing my perspective on national, political and governmental events.…
Huntsman’s Polling Numbers Reach Historic High
– Jon Huntsman, who has struggled for national name recognition for months, received some encouraging news Wednesday morning. … candidacy for president at Liberty State Park in June, the former Utah governor has yet to garner 5 percent of the vote in any national … Today, however, his polling numbers – which until recently were abysmal – have reached historic highs in two new national surveys.…
Deeply Loving Disruptive Walkouts
– So, was this organized political activism? … Finally, liberal protests are somehow not political. … It's not political." What will Whoopi claim next? That "The View" isn't political either?…
Bad News is No News
– month and the unemployment rate remaining unchanged at 8.2 percent - was far worse than anyone in the Obama campaign or in the political … To which I responded: "Bad news is no news." But, in Presidential politics there is no such things as "no news." … And the news for the Obama campaign has not been good since then.…
Good News: All Major Candidates Are Eligible For August 6 Debates
– The announcement by Michael Clemente, Fox News Executive Vice President, News, means that all 16 announced candidates will qualify … effort to include and accommodate the now 16 Republican candidate field — the largest in modern political history — FOX News is expanding … polls, as recognized by Fox News,” said Clemente in a statement.…
Womp, Womp: AOC Claims Her Campaign Received No 'Dark Money' And...…onded-when-asked-if-her-campaign-violated-fec-rules-n2542665
– Ocasio-Cortez's (D-NY) chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabart, allegedly created multiple LLCs to funnel campaign contributions from various political … The National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) filed the complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on Monday.  … Fox News' Caroline McKee confronted Ocasio-Cortez  at Ronald Reagan National Airport to ask her if she violated FEC rules and regulations…
NewsFifty Offers a One-Stop, 50-State News Outlet,_50-state_news_outlet
Political and news junkies should check out the newly-redesigned site, NewsFifty.  … Also, unlike some websites which automatically aggregate news, NewsFifty has real-life editors culling from local and national newspapers…
NAACP Rejects Black Conservatives From National Conference…ejects-black-conservatives-from-national-conference-n1642861
– According to author and Fox News contributor Deneen Borelli and her husband, Tom Borelli, black conservatives have been blacklisted … from the NAACP's national conferences for years. … the Borellis, who are employees of the conservative group FreedomWorks, attempted to pay for booth space at this year's 104th National
Exciting News Out of Salem Media Groupñoz/2015/02/24/salem-n…a-to-partner-with-cnn-during-presidential-primaries-n1961332
– Any reporter who is also a political junkie welcomes the chance to be on such a panel, which of course I do." … Additional Salem national radio hosts will be announced later as leading participants in future debate coverage. … The debates will also be extensively covered by Salem Media Group's news and opinion outlets, including SRN News and the Townhall Media…
ICYMI: The DNC Had a Little Meltdown Over Politico's Pick for Debate Moderator…self-with-their-tantrum-over-politicos-debate-moder-n2556680
– Alberta had worked for National Review and he covers the GOP for Politico magazine. … National Committee and the news organization Politico are locked in an argument over the ideological credentials of a proposed moderator … for next month's Democratic debate, sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.…