Results for: Cartoon white person being racist

RACIST?  … Not even a low level communications person, no one. … So am I to think that the White House is racist for not wanting to praise the election of Michael Steele?…
Liberals Confuse Me
– That means the white liberal vision comes into play where to openly oppose, criticize and ridicule blacks is racist. … for white people to like black people. … At several of them, I invited the reporters to treat me like a white person -- just ask hard questions.…
February Fool
– So what did you think of the political cartoon in the New York Post recently? … But some, of course, see the cartoon as a racist attack on Holder’s boss. … But, the anchor asked, what if a white person insisted the Post’s cartoon wasn’t racist?…
Precious Snowflakes Targeted Black Cartoonist For Criticizing Black Lives Matter…black-cartoonist-for-criticizing-black-lives-matter-n2158411
– labeled a…racist. … So, progressive softies tried to make the case that a black person is racist for going against the grain and offering some criticism … The other cartoon, he says, was based off a Biblical scripture about being known by your clothes.…
Obama's Attorney General: America Is "A Nation Of Cowards" On Matters Of Race…ey_general_america_is_a_nation_of_cowards_on_matters_of_race
– of being a racist because he has mocked Al Sharpton in several of his cartoons -- Oh, I'm sorry, the official reason is because this … claim to think that cartoon is racist, then you're either incredibly hypersensitive or plain old lying -- one or the other. … That being said, electing Barack Obama proved without a shadow of a doubt that this is not a racist country and since that's the case…
Democrats Manufacture Racism
– ” and “White Fragility.” … The only way for a white person to not be a racist is to self-flagellate on the altar of progressive politics while cutting a big check … The description says “Dismantling white supremacy requires white people to commit to a lifetime of education and accountability.”…
The NEA and Antiracism
– As parents across America take to school board meetings to challenge state-sanctioned racism being taught in schools, the National … brown people and that all white people, including white children, are guilty of oppression and must be made to pay. … , parents saw exactly what their children were being exposed to.…
South Carolina and Another Conversation About Race In America…lina-and-another-conversation-about-race-in-america-n2016864
white madman. … "And it's not just a matter of it not being polite to say n----- in public." … on white supremacy and fighting against white supremacy."…
Obama's Top Ten Flaws That Will Cost Him in November
– The Anti-White Racism: Obama spent 20 years going to a virulently anti-white, anti-American church while he used Jeremiah Wright -- … This is not a man who looks kindly upon what he refers to as "typical white people." … Neither Obama nor the random person from the phone book would have much relevant experience, but at least the random person would probably…
Free Speech Is a Threat to Democrats
– To hear liberals talk about our Founding Fathers you’d think they were nothing but a bunch of racist, sexist Neanderthals who only … stopped raping and murdering anyone not white long enough to write some words conservatives revere for their awfulness. … Democrats have always been what they accuse us of being.…
This International Charity Sure Has Picked a Heck of a Way to '#ProtectThePride'…ity-group-picked-a-heck-of-a-way-to-protectthepride-n2624143
– "Safety is a basic human right, that every person, irrespective of their origin and characteristics, is entitled to enjoy. … The worst thing about the Oxfam Pride cartoon isn't the depiction of JK Rowling - it's the depiction of Andy Ngo. … The other person in the illustration is wearing a shirt that says "Protect Trans Kids."…
Why America Is No Longer Great
– That unemployed white office manager? He’s taking advantage of his white privilege. … be because all those horrible, straight white men are holding them back by basking in our imaginary white privilege. … When other liberals are talking about those awful racist white people and call for their extinction, you can kid yourself that they…
Kerry, Obama Seek Regime Change for Syria, Egypt, Libya...But Not Iraq or Iran…me-change-for-syria-egypt-libyabut-not-iraq-or-iran-n1967310
– Or does Ukraine not qualify for military affirmative action because they are white people? … They pass the costs along to their customers, just as you would if we passed an “idiot tax” on being liberal. … A person who holds such positions is called an ‘antisemite’. Antisemitism is widely considered a form of racism.”…