Results for: Barack Obama Website

Obama Misleads About His ACORN Ties
Barack Obama’s campaign has been forced to revise statements about their Obama’s get-out-the vote work for the Association of Community … Before news outlets reported Obama worked as an ACORN trainer in 1992, the website said, “Fact: Barack was never an ACORN trainer and … The website later revised their “fact” to say: “Fact: ACORN never hired Obama as trainer, organizer, or any type of employee.”…
Zach Galifianakis Interviews Obama on Funny or Die Show 'Between Two Ferns'…rviews-obama-on-funny-or-die-show-between-two-ferns-n1806955
– Also, Galifianakis calls Obama a nerd. … Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis: President Barack Obama from President Barack Obama UPDATE: is … now the #1 source of referrals to the website.…
About that $3 Million Projector$3_million_projector
– McCain is making a very big deal out of a $3 million earmark Barack Obama sought for an overhead projector (really a planetarium), … Obama's website says $300,000.Update two: The Washington Times reported last month that Obama submitted two separate requests for the … planetarium worth $3.3 million total.Update three: Here is the correct request McCain was referencing from Barack Obama's Senate website
Obama Distorts ACORN Ties
– Before news outlets reported Obama worked as an ACORN trainer in 1992, the website said, “Fact: Barack was never an ACORN trainer and … The website later revised their “fact” to say: “Fact: ACORN never hired Obama as trainer, organizer, or any type of employee.” … ACORN endorsed Obama for president in February 2008.…
Obama Hearts Code Pink
Barack Obama has been working with state sponsors of terrorism to undermine the United States in the global war on terror since at … Evans is listed on the official Obama website as a bundler of between $50,000 and $100,000 in contributions. … According to FEC reports, the official Obama website and news accounts, Evans has personally contributed over $40,000 to the Obama
Priorities: Obama Won’t Speak at Event Commemorating 150th Anniversary of Gettysburg Address
Barack Obama isn’t going to Gettysburg today to pay tribute to the nation’s greatest president. … President Obama attended hundreds of fundraisers and campaign events during his first four years in office. … Yet now he can’t find the time to make a brief appearance in Gettysburg because of a...malfunctioning website?…
Obama's Editing His Agenda
– The good folks over at Americans for Tax Reform have noticed that Barack Obama is deleted some of the more controversial planks of … Here's the BEFORE website, scanned and saved by ATR. Here's the AFTER. … “This is the opposite of transparency and we would ask that Obama restore the deleted portion of the site,” Norquist said.  …
If You Disagree With Obama, Are You Anti-American?,_are_you_anti-american
– According to today’s left, the answer is yes: Barack Obama is America. … And opposition to Barack Obama or any of his policies is therefore, by definition, anti-American. … The website leads off with this Leninesque quote from Obama: "I’m asking you to believe.…
Obama Records Anti-Gay Bullying Message
– In the wake of several recent suicides by young people who were being bullied or taunted for being gay, President Barack Obama has … The White House released the video, which appears on the website, late Thursday night.…
MSNBC Teams Up with ACORN, La Raza,_la_raza
Obama for president." … is available on the website. … Most of them are openly supporting Barack Obama and other Democrats in the November elections.Election Protection claims to be non-partisan…
Details in RNC Complaint on Obama's Foreign Money
– paraphernalia to foreigners over the internet by the Obama campaign and pro-Obama fundraisers held in Nigeria. … Obama.” … T-shirts through the Obama for America website.…
Pretty Shameless
– Apparently, as Politico's Mike Allen reports, those Obama pledges are no longer operative: Sen. … Barack Obama (D-Ill.) promised primary voters a swift withdrawal from Iraq, in clear language still on his website: “Obama will immediately … Barack said what the left-wing constituency in the Democrat primaries wanted to hear -- and now he hasn't hesitated to crumple them…
5 Things The Obama Administration Had No Idea The Obama Administration Was Doing…tion-had-no-idea-the-obama-administration-was-doing-n1734940
– Given that Barack Obama seems to know so little about what's going on in his administration that it's starting to resemble a "Hogan's … The account suggests President Barack Obama went nearly five years without knowing his own spies were bugging the phones of world leaders … I think it was on Friday.” 5) Obama didn't know the website was going to fail.…
Obama, Cameron to go to basketball game
– President Barack Obama, a well-known basketball fan, will treat British Prime Minister David Cameron to a little March Madness Tuesday … The leaders' trip to the game comes as Obama launched his new tournament "bracket challenge" on his campaign website.…
Marxists for Obama
– ] Barack Obama is the single most liberal person to have ever received the nomination of the Democrat Party, and if voters don't quickly … Obama to the Presidency. … [sic] We support Barack Obama because he knows what is best for the people!…
Super Bowl Sunday: O'Reilly to Interview Obama at the White House…y-oreolly-to-interview-obama-before-tduring-pregame-n1783643
– Mediaite reports: O’Reilly Factor host Bill O’Reilly will interview President Barack Obama during the Super Bowl pregrame … It will be O’Reilly’s third interview with Obama, the last airing before the 2011 Super Bowl. … be taped and aired on Monday night’s edition of the O’Reilly Factor, after which the entire segment will be available on Fox’s website
Desperate French Liberals Want Obama to Run For President
Barack Obama. Yes, seriously. … France’s Obama backers are hoping to get 1 million signatures on the petition…for kicks it seems, given that Obama is not French—a … Vive Obama. Vive la France and the USA." …
"Republicans" For Obama
– Jim Leach (Iowa) endorsed Democratic candidate Barack Obama for president Tuesday, joining a small group of unreliable, liberal Republicans … One of the "Republicans" the Obama campaign is touting as a member of "Republicans for Obama" even dropped his GOP affiliation in 2007 … An official “Republicans for Obamawebsite is expected to be rolled out next week.…
Fox Outfoxed in Obama Interview
– But if you’ve made the mistake of leading off with questioning about the website, why waste time trying to get Barack Obama to come … Barack Obama never answered the question; he simply spouted a bunch of gibberish. … Fox and Bill O’Reilly were not outfoxed by Barack Obama.…
Former Lobbyist Holds Obama Fundraiser
– Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has promised he would not accept campaign donations from lobbyists, but apparently … Those who raised at least $10,000 are given access to a “special pre-reception” with Obama. … Lackman worked with Obama to make the “Health Care Justice Act” more acceptable to insurance companies.…
Keating Five Member is Obama Surrogate
– If Barack Obama is so outraged at John McCain’s involvement in the Keating Five scandal, why is John Glenn, another Keating Five … member, doing surrogate work for Obama? … According to Obama's presidential website Glenn held a conference calls with reporters for Obama in August.…
The 6 Lamest Excuses For Failure From The Obama Administration…t-excuses-for-failure-from-the-obama-administration-n1843614
Barack Obama viciously fought off Republican attempts to keep the law from starting up and yet, the website is the biggest disaster … Obama wouldn't wear a flag pin because it is a substitute for patriotism: Like many liberals, Barack Obama doesn't like America very … for the IRS targeting the Tea Party because he heard about it on the news: Barack Obama apparently knows less about what’s going on…
President Trump Now World's Most-Followed Leader on Twitter…ent-trump-now-worlds-mostfollowed-leader-on-twitter-n2390846
– Former President Barack Obama has more followers than Trump, but he's not counted in this as he is no longer the president.  … The list also doesn’t count ex-leaders like Barack Obama, who has 95 million-plus followers. … than Obama.…
Notorious Obamedia Moments of 2008
– In attendance: good neighbors Barack Obama and Weather Underground terrorist duo Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. … Ogling Obama. … The caption listed on the network's website: "Obama in jeans: Sen. Barack Obama surprises the press corps by wearing jeans."…
Should President Obama Control The Internet?
– President Barack Obama wants to control the internet. … Sunstein laments the supposed “lie” that emerged during last year’s presidential race, that “Barack Obama pals around with terrorists … In a similar way, it appears that the Obama Administration may be ushering-in an era of harassment for website operators.…