Results for: agenda 47

Round Two: Romney, Obama Square Off in New York
– As I mentioned earlier, Romney had better be equipped to address "47 percent," the "war on women," and a host of divisive issues.   … We're three weeks out from the election, and we've seen no semblance of a second-term agenda from this president.  …
Romney's Task Tomorrow Night
– So far, thanks to his friends in the press, Obama has gotten away without laying out any second term agenda other than trying to raise … And when Obama inevitably lunges for the 47% digs or the tax returns, highlight that it's just one more example of the President trying…
Biden and Obama Run a Campaign Fit for the 1980s
– He clearly did what the Obama campaign wanted: lots of lusty attacks on Mitt Romney, repeated mentions of that magic number 47 percent … That's the second-term agenda. On entitlements, Biden said that Social Security and Medicare were "guaranteed." … But that's 77 and 47 years ago now. But the Obama campaign wrote off the white working class last spring.…
Polls: Romney Ahead 49-47 Percent
– Rasmussen and Gallup show Romney’s up 49 to 47 percent heading into the second presidential debate.  … He never devised an impressive second-term agenda.…
Ryan Stands Strong Against Big Bad Wolf Biden
– But between Biden’s snickers, interruptions, and finger pointing at Ryan, Biden demonstrated why President Obama’s agenda is “not working … Answering Biden’s dig at Romney’s 47% remark, Ryan joked “with respect to that quote, I think the vice president very well knows that…
Comrade 287 is as American as Apple Pie, Mom and the Chevy Volt
– Only 1 out of 3 jobs that have been created have been created in supply chain and manufacturing even though those jobs account for 47 … comment, Comrade Obama verified Lizza’s story when he said: Building this new energy future should be just one part of a broader agenda
5 Reasons to Support Rick Santorum
– That is an agenda that should get the blood pumping for fiscal hawks who've been disappointed in the conservative leadership from D.C … Santorum 43% and Obama 47% Vs. Romney 41%.…
Is Ben Still Our Friend?
– the knee-jerk reaction to minutes from the most recent FOMC meetings suggested enough anxiety among the troops as to negate the agenda … The idea that some people aren't sharing enough of their earnings is offensive in a nation where 47% of working age citizens are paying…
Psst: Do-Nothing "Republican" Congress Strikes Again
– These were all elements of President Obama's jobs agenda.  Now he's signed a job creation bill championed by House Republicans.  … Well, there's this:   In a hypothetical Election 2012 matchup, Mitt Romney attracts 47% of the vote, while President Obama…
The Romney Coronation Begins?
– According to various analyses, Romney looks poised to win somewhere between 47 and all 53 of them.  … working with Governor Romney and his team in my new role; I've been asked by leader McConnell to lead an effort to coordinate our agenda
Obama's Plan To Raise Taxes Ignores Fundamental Economics
– The revenue from his Buffett Rule tax increase has been estimated at about $47 billion, a thimble full of what may be needed to pound … Yet he's made this pathetic excuse for an economic and fiscal agenda the centerpiece of his campaign for another four years.…
A Supreme Overreach
– Writing in the Federalist Paper #47, Madison underscored that one of the Constitutions founding tenets is “the political maxim that … While at his political apogee, he still found much of his political agenda grounded. …
Anemic Recovery Will Be Foremost in Voter's Minds
– poll shows more Americans now trust likely Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney to handle the economy than Barack Obama by 47 … will be recorded as the worst recovery in history, because he was more interested in promoting his leftist, egalitarian, social agenda
Man Bites Dog…Likes the Taste
– They will spin for him and obstruct his failed record as long as they can because they support his left-wing agenda and they think, … She wanted to retire at age 47.…
Anti-bullying speaker bullies Christians
– "For a 47-year-old full grown man to say the kinds of things he did to that group -- somebody should lose their job," he said. … "It was obvious he had an agenda to push. He wasn't there to talk about journalism. He was there with an agenda.…
Poll: Undecided 2014 Voters Overwhelmingly Disapprove of Obamacare…ds-of-undecided-2014-voters-disapprove-of-obamacare-n1773796
– Congressional ballot, 53 percent of likely voters say they'd support a "Republican who will be a check and balance to Barack Obama," while 47 … percent prefer a "Democrat who will help Obama pass his agenda."…
Cuomo: 'Extreme Conservatives,' Pro-Lifers Not Welcome in NY…extreme-conservatives-prolifers-arent-welcome-in-ny-n1781071
– those familiar with his proposed Women’s Equality Act - legislation which works opposite its title thanks to its radical abortion agenda … We should be attacking his comments, which alienated a large bloc of voters, just as much as the left jumped all over Romney’s ‘47
Poll in NC: Tillis: 47; Hagan: 40
– Carolina Voters shows Thom Tillis, the Republican speaker of the state House of Representatives, leading Hagan by seven points - 47% … On Tuesday night, however, the president will set his agenda and make the case why his policies are moving the nation forward.…
WH: We've 'Enrolled' 3.3 Million People, But We Can't Say How Many Are Actually Covered…ion-people-but-wont-say-how-many-have-actually-paid-n1794496
– I contextualized the numbers on Twitter: WH target: 7 mil enrollments by 3/31. 66% thru process, they're at 47% … And that makes the development of a credible, market-oriented health-reform agenda more urgent than ever.…
New Sebelius Lie: Seven Million Obamacare Enrollments Was Never Our Goal…en-million-obamacare-enrollments-was-never-our-goal-n1800462
– far off pace to even hit the revised total: WH target: 7 mil enrollments by 3/31. 66% thru process, they're at 47% … Again, that's not an estimate from some agenda-driven conservative think tank.…
Oh My: Putin's Name Put Forth For Nobel Peace Prize
– Putin has been nominated for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize - but the conflict in Ukraine is also likely to be on the Nobel committee's agenda … A record 278 candidates, including 47 organizations, received nominations for the 2014 prize, said the Norwegian Nobel Institute's…
Grammy’s Same Love
– A 2013 Pew Research Report found that 53% of black men and 44% of black women still oppose same-sex “marriage” (compared to 47% of … We can never play white Using black people as pawns for yo’ agenda And all the sell out rappers will do whatever you tell ‘em…
Dionne & the Liberals? LBJ, Obama, and the Washington Post
– In the 1966 mid-term elections the Republican won 47 House seats and a startling 12 Senate seats, as well. … commentator then goes on to contrast this state of affairs with the 60s, when some Republicans worked with LBJ to help implement his agenda … Most importantly, the prestige media framed all debate in terms favorable to the Democratic Party, and worked to advance their agenda
It’s Time for New Jersey to Take on Tort Reform
– There are 47 lawsuits for every 10,000 of New Jersey’s citizens, significantly outpacing neighbors New York (30 per 10,000) and Pennsylvania … A concentrated legislative agenda on a major issue like this would focus the scandal-hungry media’s attention on policy.…
Post-ABC News Poll: Obama's Approval Rating Plummets to Historic Low…news-poll-obamas-approval-plummets-to-historic-low-n1830913
– approval rating at a new low and a majority of voters saying they prefer a Congress in Republican hands to check the president’s agenda … But at the same time, a majority says it is making health care costs more expensive (58%), and a plurality (47%) believes that Obamacare…
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