Results for: dissent from supreme power

Indictment Imperils the Rights of All
– It shifts his time and focus away from devoting all of his energy to his reelection campaign. … In other cases the Supreme Court has held likewise. In Mitchum v. … , including dozens of invocations by the Supreme Court itself.…
Trump Preempts Politicized Prosecutors
– Democrats are “persecuting their political opponents and silencing dissent,” Trump declared to the immense Ohio crowd. … The Supreme Court shockingly allows a runaway county prosecution to interrogate Sen. … Trump, the president who got us out of wars and made the world a safer place, was supposedly harboring nuclear codes from his time…
A Judge Accepts the Biden Administration's Dubious Argument for Banning Gun Possession by Marijuana Users…or-daring-to-exercise-their-second-amendment-rights-n2615655
– That is the constitutional test the Supreme Court has said gun control laws must pass. … But as Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett pointed out in a 2019 dissent as a judge on the U.S. … "Legislatures have the power to prohibit dangerous people from possessing guns," Barrett wrote.…
The 3rd Circuit Considers Whether Nonviolent Crimes Justify the Loss of Second Amendment Rights…iction-bryan-range-is-no-longer-allowed-to-own-guns-n2618129
– That take jibes with a 2019 dissent that Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote as a judge on the U.S. … "Legislatures have the power to prohibit dangerous people from possessing guns," she said. … "But that power extends only to people who are (SET ITAL) dangerous.…
Non-Competes Ban is Yet Another Sign of FTC Mission Creep…mpetes-ban-is-yet-another-sign-of-ftc-mission-creep-n2618852
– But it should come as no surprise from Biden’s administration. … Many described this as a shift away from the consumer welfare standard. … The Commission has rejected the idea of limiting power and regulatory reach.…
Appointment of New Ruthless Police Chief Will Not Crush Iran's Protesters…thless-police-chief-will-not-crush-irans-protesters-n2619232
– Dreading the downfall of his theocratic regime, Iran’s Supreme Leader – Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has pressed the panic button. … His ruthlessness and steadfast dedication to the Supreme Leader saw him rise rapidly through the ranks during the Iran-Iraq war. … In his last months in power, the Shah rapidly replaced his ministers, tried curfews and martial laws, and opened fire on protesters…
Is Joe Biden Attempting to Be the American Mao?
– Similarly, Biden’s victories stem from the tight discipline of the Democratic Party. … Both focused on total transformation of a nation and silencing of dissent. … Ethics, even honesty, are out the window – the only thing that matters is power and control.…
End the 'Abortion Exceptionalism' Double Standard
Supreme Court prepares for its expedited Nov. 1 hearing in U.S. v. Texas. … The power of judicial review is more limited: It allows a court to decline to enforce a statute, and to enjoin the executive from enforcing … The Supreme Court's majority in its Sept. 1 decision adopted Mitchell's argument, writing: "Federal courts enjoy the power to enjoin…
5 Important Quotes from Justice Thomas's Dissent in Biden v. Missouri
– Below are some of the most important quotes from that opinion.  1. … J., dissenting from denial of initial hearing en banc)." 2. … I respectfully dissent."…
LATEST: Supreme Court Slaps Down Biden's Private Employer Vaccine Mandate
– The Supreme Court ruled Thursday to strike down President Joe Biden's Wuhan coronavirus vaccine mandate for private businesses. … power.  … That kind of universal risk is no different from the day-to-day dangers that all face from crime, air pollution, or any number of communicable…
Iranian Regime Cannot Survive International Accountability and Growing Domestic Unrest…national-accountability-and-growing-domestic-unrest-n2602991
– and consolidate power in the hands of the ayatollahs, effectively replacing one dictatorship with another. … As those loyal to the Supreme Leader purged those deemed subversive to the new system, one prominent voice of dissent – the People’ … In fact, formal calls for Raisi’s arrest may have prevented him from traveling to the U.N.…
Senator Sinema Should Make 2022 Her Year of Revenge
– Senate than has been seen recently from Schumer, Biden, or nearly any other Democrat Senator.  … All this from the party that claims to be committed to diversity.  … With a looming Supreme Court confirmation to fill Justice Breyer’s seat, Democrats can’t afford any dissent from their own party.…
Trudeau’s Canadian Fascism Is a Bigger Threat to America Than Putin…an-fascism-is-a-bigger-threat-to-america-than-putin-n2603631
– They love the idea of criminalizing dissent – look at the January 6th witch trials – and they are taking notes.   … We have protections and structures that will help prevent that from ever having to happen again, like the Constitution. … After all, we are not submissives from Ottawa.…
Biden Nominee Argued Against Free Speech Near Abortion Clinics…e-argued-against-free-speech--near-abortion-clinics-n2603997
– Would that comply with the First Amendment, which denies government the power to make any law "abridging the freedom of speech"? … President Joe Biden's nominee to replace Justice Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court argued in a federal court case that the government … The year before this Massachusetts law came up in the 1st Circuit, the Supreme Court reviewed a similar Colorado law that prohibited…
Judging in the Judiciary Committee
– Connecticut, the Supreme Court reviewed a Connecticut law that banned contraception. … In his questioning of Jackson, Cornyn quoted from Black's dissent in that case. … Wade, he would not have nominated her to the Supreme Court.…
After Bucha, the World Must Never Delay Justice for Crimes Against Humanity…ust-never-delay-justice-for-crimes-against-humanity-n2605666
– The “death commissions” responsible for those trials were empaneled in the wake of then-Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini issuing a … In comparison to the massacre in Bucha, the 1988 massacre of Iranian prisoners took place relatively far from the public eye. … Islamic extremism are core features of the clerical regime’s strategy for maintaining power.…
An Unrepentant Pastor and the First Amendment
– Amendment leads the Bill of Rights and is a key feature of virtually every state’s constitution for good reason: if we cannot be free from … This case from the outset has been an affront to both the state and federal constitutions. … There is no limit to this type of power grab.…
The DHS Disinformation Board and the Attack on Individual Sovereignty…tion-board-and-the-attack-on-individual-sovereignty-n2606540
– security has rendered his official title an oxymoron, divulged (conveniently on the heels of Elon Musk’s planned liberation of Twitter from … Jankowicz favors government regulation to rid conservative voices from media and endorses as fact two major falsehoods: that the Hunter … and press, insisting that the federal government has no power to establish an official speech orthodoxy by banning dissent.  …
Here's Why the Supreme Court Just Upheld Biden's Immigration Policy…upholds-biden-immigration-policy-on-a-technicality-n2624908
– The Supreme Court's 8-1 decision in United States v. … In his dissent, Justice Alito explained his differing perspective: This sweeping Executive Power endorsed by today’s decision may … Because the majority shuns that duty, I must respectfully dissent.…
Democrats' Assault on 'Our Democracy'
– this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous." … There are few threats as vehemently anti-"democratic" as that of packing the Supreme Court. … from Regime orthodoxy.…
Do You Love America?
– The Declaration of Independence was a lie; the Constitution was merely a guise for power. … Biden's response: He pledged to utilize the executive branch to work around the Supreme Court's ruling. … celebrate the founding for what it was: a breakthrough in the nature of human governance, a ringing statement in favor of liberty from
The One Speech Ingraham Says Republicans Should Play If They 'Want to Win in 2024'
– reading scores among U.S. teens, many of whom were pushed into Zoom school during pandemic lockdowns, thanks in large part to pressure from … Right here in Florida, we will preserve and strengthen a democracy that was steeped in the power of “We the People!”  … Both ended their blistering rebukes with these powerful words: I dissent. NEA, we ALL dissent!…
No, Israel Is Not in Existential Danger of Civil War
– That reform curbs the overweening power of the Israeli Supreme Court, which declared in the 1990s that it had the unilateral ability … Now that a religious and traditional coalition has taken power, many secular Israelis feel truly insecure. … far more authoritarian to shut down the workings of an elected government via non-electoral means than to shift power from an unelected…
Beware Iranian Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
– US, to normalize relations and end the diplomatic discord that has persisted since the Islamic Revolution brought the mullahs to power … ’s Gestapo, and their militia thugs the Basij, to crush dissent. … His degree in physics from the American University in Beirut and PhD in nuclear engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology…
Informal Censorship Is Worse Than Book Burning -- And It's Here…censorship-is-worse-than-book-burning-and-its-here-n2625962
– president promises to consider antitrust suits to break up newspaper monopolies and retroactive legislation prohibiting newspapers fromSupreme Court condemned a comparable scheme of informal government censorship in Bantam Books v. Sullivan (1963). … support for amending Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act to dimmish the legal safe harbor social media companies enjoy from
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