Results for: center left libertarian

The Gold Standard Did Not Cause The Great Depression
– Roubini; Thomas Frank; Think Progress’s Marie Diamond; the Roosevelt Institute’s Mike Konczal and other leading thinkers of the left … Thus they are being lured into opposition to such respected center-right thought leaders as Lewis E. … Not to mention libertarian lions such as the Honorable Ron Paul.…
Norquist Rallies Conservatives, Libertarians to Oppose Online Gambling Ban…vatives-liberatarians-to-oppose-online-gambling-ban-n1922220
– Digital Liberty; Tom Giovanetti, Institute of Policy Innovation; David Williams, Taxpayers Protection Alliance; Jeff Mazzella, Center … Quinlin, Center for Freedom and Prosperity. … In between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, there are only a handful of real business days left on Capitol Hill.…
Indivisible: The Liberal Group Putting Pressure On Republicans In Order To Destroy Trump's Agenda…re-on-republicans-in-order-to-destroy-trumps-agenda-n2284442
– Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer drew left-wing protesters at his offices in Brooklyn. … Yet, the publication added that Amash, who has a libertarian streak, had more room to maneuver. … And no, if this is a would-be left wing Tea Party event—I think it’s going to fail.…
Green Light on the Hill
– It will be held in Austin Auditorium in LaSells Stewart Center on the campus of Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. … A right-leaning libertarian named Alan Kors and a left-leaning libertarian named Harvey Silverglate established FIRE about 15 years…
Sheldon Whitehouse, Libertarians and Climate Change
– The libertarian wing of the Republican Party – which certainly doesn’t include all libertarians – had a respectable candidate for president … Another candidate, Marco Rubio, seemed open to libertarian ideas on immigration, as indicated by his participation in the Gang of 8 … But in recent months, the Niskanen Center, a libertarian group, has begun to make noise on the other side of the issue.…
Dueling Amigos, Trump, and Paul Dominate Final Debate of 2015…amigos-trump-and-paul-dominate-final-debate-of-2015-n2094742
– Two Hispanics, a diminutive Libertarian and a Donald loomed large in the fifth and thankfully, last Republican debate of 2015. … support for increased spying on Americans’ phone records to prevent terrorism, Paul picked up the skewering of Rubio where Cruz left … In contrast, Jeb’s position on the debate stage keeps “moving over further and further” from the center, based on his declining poll…
The Three Dumbest “Conservative” Objections to Patent Reform…ee-dumbest-conservative-objections-to-patent-reform-n2034103
– Conservative and libertarian groups that have advocated for patent reform in one form or another include Americans for Tax Reform, … Institute for Policy Innovation, the Latino Coalition, Independent Women’s Forum, Lincoln Labs,the American Enterprise Institute, the Center … Graves also notes, and this bears repeating, that if patent reform were really such a left-wing idea, you would have expected it to…
Sweden: The Sensible (and Slowly Shrinking) Welfare State
– Something strange is happening, after all, if a statist like Jeffrey Sachs and a rabid libertarian like yours truly both cited it as … Jeffrey and other folks on the left are correct in that Sweden has a big government financed by high tax rates. … Where are the left-wing intellectuals to challenge this new order? They have disappeared.…
Will the Kingdom Have a Candidate?
– The Left doesn’t like us. Right now they’re mad at BHO for not being liberal enough. … The Left wants the government out of the bedroom. Fine as long as it stays out of the rest of the house as well. … Even the Left called foul on Imelda. Israel is the best friend we have in the Middle East.…
The Strange Death of Domestic Policy
– The Pew Research Center issued a report showing that the racial disparity in net worth -- the wealth gap in America -- is growing. … But the cause is not generally admitted on the left. … More libertarian-leaning Republicans may find this a welcome development -- though it only briefly postpones a deficit reckoning.…
Do-Gooders Mobilize Against Free Speech
– When some 200 conservatives showed up for a weekend conference hosted by the libertarian-leaning industrialist brothers Charles and … The Center for American Progress mobilized. … After all, Common Cause has accepted funds from left-leaning billionaire George Soros.The difference?…
How Obama's Alma Mater Treated an Iraq War Vet
– Sociology, 15 left, one right.UCLA: In history, 53 professors were left, three right. Journalism, 12 left, one right. … Political science, 16 left, one right. … Economics, eight left, four right. Sociology, 34 left, three right.…
'Defies Both Science and Common Sense': Georgetown's Spring Semester Plans Raise Ire from Students…ommon-sense-georgetowns-spring-semester-plans-raise-n2601337
– The Conservative and Libertarian Student Association (CALSA) chapter of law school students — yes they exist at Georgetown — sent a … negative impacts on the education and well-being of its students that cannot be discounted," CALSA concludes: Students are now left … Motivation, mental health, socialization, and the quality of education provided are suffering, all while the University and Law Center
Germany's Mixed Signals
– state of Schleswig-Holstein just ended the dominance there of Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDP/CDU) while emboldening the center-left … Social Democrats (SDP), hard-left Greens, and libertarian Free Democrats (FDP). … The resulting policy agenda could include both increased public expenditure at home to placate the left wing and a withdrawal from…