Results for: abortion pregnancy

Proposed Rule From Biden Administration Takes Aim at Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers
– The four states individually utilize between $1-7 million of TANF dollars to fund pregnancy centers in a year. … Townhall previously reported how pro-life pregnancy resource centers were targeted by pro-abortion supporters, like the group Jane’ … After the final ruling came out, pro-abortion lawmakers began circulating baseless, dishonest rhetoric surrounding crisis pregnancy
AG Merrick Garland Sure Has a One-Sided View of What 'Vigilantly Monitor' Means…s-a-one-sided-view-of-what-vigilantly-monitor-means-n2631980
– higher rate than pro-lifers did against abortion facilities. … The center has filed a lawsuit against two "known pro-abortion activists." … Meanwhile, pro-abortion members of Congress want the DOJ to go further.…
Gavin Newsom Refused to Answer Questions During Thursday's Debate, Including on This Liberal Pet Issue
– Perhaps Hannity should have asked about abortion during this round to try to get an answer from Newsom. … California has also passed a ballot initative allowing for abortion up until birth. … pregnancy with exceptions."…
New Poll Shows Americans’ Views on Legal Abortion Access
– by the pregnancy. … This month, pro-abortion supporters have launched a ballot initiative in Nebraska to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution … “Nebraska’s law currently allows abortion throughout the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, but that isn’t enough for the abortion industry…
Pro-Abortion Coalition Sets Its Sights on a Red State
– Pro-abortion supporters have launched a ballot initiative in Nebraska to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution. … “Nebraska’s law currently allows abortion throughout the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, but that isn’t enough for the abortion industry … Abortion is legal in Nebraska in the first trimster. That isn't enough for the abortion extremists.…
March for Life Sets Its Sights on 2024
– In Ohio, specifically, voters chose to enshrine abortion in the state’s constitution. … Going into 2024, there will be elections in other states to decide on abortion policy. … In 2021, Attorney General Lynn Fitch defended the state’s 15-week ban on abortion.…
Sisters Doin' It for the Love
– Two weeks before the Supreme Court decision that ended the federal right to an abortion, the New York legislature passed a law directing … The fears that come with an unplanned pregnancy should not be subject to political debate. … That vote didn't happen because people love abortion.…
Does This Candidate Have the Answer to the Republican Party's Abortion Problem?…he-answer-to-the-republican-partys-abortion-problem-n2631051
– One of the reasons that's been suggested why was abortion. … Not only does the Democratic Party support abortion on demand throughout all nine months of pregnancy for any reason paid for by tax … Although it took some time, the third RNC debate ultimately discussed abortion towards the end of the evening.…
The 15-Week Sweet Spot
– In Ohio, an abortion constitutional amendment was passed. … Actually, the 15-week abortion compromise, which is over three months of pregnancy, is popular. … But aggressively pushing an abortion compromise was not fatal to the GOP.…
New Study Claims That Abortion Restrictions Place More Kids in Foster Care
– In addition, Jeanne Mancini, president of the March for Life, pointed out that “16 states now offer alternatives to abortion funding … (A2A) to strengthen and support adoption agencies, as well as the nearly 3,000 pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes that … “Given the implications of the Dobbs ruling, there is a need to understand the full consequences of restricted abortion access.”…
Abortion and Welfare Reform - How Are They Related to the Recent Election Results?…how-are-they-related-to-the-recent-election-results-n2630998
– It was on abortion. … The students' repeated comments in various forms were over the economics of the abortion question. … More women are opting to have an abortion due to the economic pressures.…
Ohio Passes Radically Pro-Abortion Amendment Usurping Parental Rights
– Further, no restrictions means the possibility for the return of the gruesome partial-birth abortion procedure, which Ohio abortionist … "Big Abortion won, while women, parents, and babies lost. Women lost common-sense protections. … The work of pregnancy help will now be the only thing that can help women from the entrapment of the abortion profiteers," said President…
Ohio Issue One-64 Million Reasons to Vote No
– It will erase every existing law limiting abortion including Ohio's Partial Birth Abortion Ban, Dismemberment Abortion Ban, Down Syndrome … ; miscarriage care; and abortion. … ," "Abortion is a family value."…
At Stake on Tuesday: Upending the Ohio State Constitution With Issue 1
– Issue 1 would not be about the status quo, as abortion would be even less restricted than it was under Roe v. … It's worth noting that even those who support abortion acknowledge that Issue 1 would be an "overreach." … gone the way of the pro-abortion side.…
Why It’s Important to Reject State Abortion Amendments that Would Advance Dangerous Late Term Abortions…ts-that-would-advance-dangerous-late-term-abortions-n2630811
– , for any reason, at every stage of pregnancy, without parental consent. … Second, Issue 1 would also legalize abortion in Ohio up to birth. … ectopic pregnancy and inevitable miscarriage.…
Britney Spears' Bravery
– But Justin definitely wasn't happy about the pregnancy. … So, she had a chemical abortion at home. … May she and every woman who has been coerced into an abortion come to some peace.…
Halloween Horror Stories in Post-Roe Idaho
– In their ideal world, abortion would be available everywhere at all times of pregnancy, and it would be taxpayer-funded for the less … Forget that the people who are least fortunate in an abortion are the unborn babies. … Anne Feighner, described as "overcome" with abortion emotion.…
The Pro-Life Movement Didn’t Change – Its Environment Did
– There is only the abiding reality of the preborn child, the precious mother who faces the possibility of abortion and the battle to … These tweaks to vocabulary are necessary now that the issue of abortion is actively subject to both litigation and legislation.  … It’s entirely different from the moral language we use to describe the women and children afflicted by abortion.…
Ohio’s Issue 1 is About More Than Abortion
– , miscarriage care, and abortion. … issues like abortion.  … an unfettered right to abortion? …
Mother, Son Charged With Kidnapping Over Minor’s Out-of-State Abortion
– While she was “happy” about the pregnancy, Kadyn was not and “demanded” she get an abortion. … minors across state lines to terminate a pregnancy.  … an abortion … or obtains an abortion-inducing drug for the pregnant minor to use for an abortion by recruiting, harboring, or transporting…
Biden Once Again Weaponizes the Law Against Conservatives…once-again-weaponizes-the-law-against-conservatives-n2630641
– targets pro-life protestors by prohibiting “threats of force, obstruction and property damage” to stop individuals from entering abortion … The overall disparity in prosecution between peaceful pro-life protestors and violent pro-abortion protestors is shocking. … What is the American public supposed to make of such an aggressive legal pursuit when violent attacks are committed against pregnancy
Adoption: Thriving Is Better Than Dying.
– As someone adopted from the foster care system, I reject the pro-abortion rhetoric that abortion is somehow a better option than adoption … Violently being deprived of life (whether the unborn child or the mother killed via a botched abortion) is traumatic. … It’s why I devote my life to fighting the injustice of abortion as I simultaneously help raise millions for pregnancy centers, maternity…
Democrat Governor Launches Pro-Abortion Advocacy Organization
– This week, pro-abortion Illinois Gov. J.B. … This new initiative will focus mostly on abortion. … “Issue 1 would allow an abortion at any time during a pregnancy and it would deny parents the right to be involved when their daughter…
Here's Why a Tennessee Democrat Is Running for Office
– Predictably, pro-abortion supporters have pushed back against these laws aimed at protecting unborn life. … People then claimed that an “emergency abortion” was performed.  … suffer “needless physical and emotional pain and harm” when they do not have access to abortion. …
Ohio Gov. DeWine: Radical Abortion Amendment 'Goes Too Far'
– “Issue 1 would allow an abortion at any time during a pregnancy and it would deny parents the right to be involved when their daughter … “I know Ohioans are divided on the issue of abortion. … He regularly performs abortions past 24 weeks of pregnancy. …
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