Results for: is the us at war with iran

The Diplomats' Dilemma
The United States does but President Obama is not eager to utilize them. That’s understandable: Americans are war-weary. … But Iran’s rulers refuse even to talk with the leaders of the tiny Jewish state. … Suzanne Maloney, a Senior Fellow at the Saban Center at the Brookings Institute, wrote recently that “the United States cannot hope…
Conspiring with Russia
– Nor can you listen in when the President is at one of his G-8 Summits (or is it G-20 by now?) … Here, President Obama is confiding information to Vladimir Putin, the ex-KGB agent, that he would not confide in us. … President Obama’s willingness to conspire—that is literally what the word means—with Dmitry Medvedev at a secret meeting raises the
Barack Obama's Mideast Madness
war he is waging against his own people. … Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said: "This is a positive step. The council has now spoken with one voice. … Obama administration's naive incompetence.For Americans, the consequence of this ineptness is most visible at the pump.…
Blindsided: Peace for Israel?
– Ignorance is especially strong among the professional punditry, who aim to shape US public opinion. … Israel, to the Muslim, is the fly in the soup which cannot be ignored. … In that case, Israel would be thrown into the sea. The idea of armed conflict between Israel and Iran is a terrifying prospect.…
The Eternal Liberation Movement
– First, he claimed that the Palestinian war against Israel is the keystone of the global jihad. … It is the consequence of the European diplomatic war against Israel. … The US Consulate in Jerusalem is not subordinate to the US Embassy in Tel Aviv.…
The Truth or Taqiyya?
– As we are seeing in Egypt at the moment, the Brotherhood is fully prepared to lie about its repressive agenda until it is too late … For the purpose of calibrating whether the Muslim Brotherhood is trying to fool us yet again - this time, here in the United States … chapter, is reportedly about to be indicted for war crimes by the Bangladesh International Crimes Tribunal for the systematic execution…
Notice: This President Not Actual Size
the country and why the city is broke and broken.   … That, or some variation of it, is what’s in store for us with electricity if we continue following Obama’s pipeline to nowhere. … There was no way the Afghanistan war was going to ever end in anything other than defeat the way Obama went at it.…
Obama's All-Hat-No-Cattle Diplomacy
– If ever there were a case of someone who is good at the hat bit - talking big, gesticulating forcefully - but abysmal at the business … is now partnered with the Palestinian Authority in a unity government there. … Speaking of friends, press reports are circulating in the wake of the weekend's negotiations with Iran, that Israel is reportedly about…
The Benign and Benevolent President Obama?
– I finished two weeks ago by saying that whether in preparation for war (for example, with Iran) or any other national emergency, the … But what's critical with presidential EOs is not only the number of them that each president enacts but also the caliber of the power … In the long run, this made the Soviet economy totally uncompetitive. This lesson cost us dearly.…
The ABM Treaty: A Decade Later
– Clearly, the ABM Treaty was not cultivating peace, but maintaining an uneasy status quo: a Cold War that could turn hot at the press … one of the key reasons the Cold War ended as it did. … However, the victory that the U.S. achieved in the Cold War is by no means permanent if we’re unwilling to construct the missile shield…
Awful: New Obama Ad Suggests Romney Wouldn't Have Ordered Bin Laden Raid…obama_ad_suggests_romney_wouldnt_have_ordered_bin_laden_raid
– Ace reminds us exactly what Romney said at the time:   LIZ SIDOTI: "Why haven't we caught bin Laden in your opinion?" … I'll leave you with two ironies: (1) Is Bill Clinton really the best guy to be trotted out as an authority on the leadership required … With a record like that on national security, it is no wonder why President Obama is shamelessly turning the one decision he got right…
Biden Speaks: Hits Romney on Foreign Policy, Reminds Us That bin Laden is Still Dead…ey_on_foreign_policy_reminds_us_that_bin_laden_is_still_dead
– Well, the truth is, we don't know for certain." So perhaps...he wouldn't jump right into war? … Naturally, Osama bin Laden's death ruled the day, which is unsurprising since it's the one trump card the Obama administration can … What about George Washington during the Revolutionary War? Lincoln during the Civil War? FDR during World War Two?…
The Elephant of Jew Hatred
– If the aforementioned is a live human, that must be visited at least once a week and provided with food and drink, it is best to hide … ago is not limited to the discourse on the Arab world's conflict with Israel. … Similarly, a report on the behind the scenes goings on at last weekend's nuclear negotiations with Iran published by Al-Monitor described…
Voting for War, Again and Again
– Looking at recent history, you would conclude not that the Constitution allows the president to make war, but that it requires him … When the Cold War with the Soviet Union ended two decades ago, many people expected to bask in the warm sunshine of lasting peace. … But in this realm, there is no Democratic or Republican party. There is only the war party.  …
The Foggiest War
The “fog of waris a concept derived from the writings of Carl von Clausewitz, the great 19th century Prussian military theorist … It is the War on Terrorism or the Long War or the War Against al Qaeda or just Overseas Contingency Operations? … ’s Michael Hirsh that “the War on Terror is over.”…
The Enemy of Our Enemy
– And at its heart is the civil-sectarian war to overthrow the Syrian Alawite regime of Bashar Assad. … But Shia and Persian Iran is almost twice as populous and at the heart of a Shia Crescent of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hezbollah. … War is the clear and present danger, and peace the necessary condition of securing those interests.…
In Today's Mail
– Your criticism, aimed at my comparing this administration's policy toward Iran with the appeasement of an earlier era, was on target … "First, unlike at Munich, there was no ready lesson at hand about the dangers of appeasement. … Iran, like North Korea, is the international equivalent of a little bully whom the big boys ought to be able to dispatch with ease…
Bob Gates Is Tired of War
– "I and virtually all of my friends and acquaintances in CIA were opposed to the war and to any prolonged strategy for extracting us … If Israel were to bomb Iran, he writes, the result for the U.S. could be "a war possibly more widespread and terrible than those in … When the next war of choice begins, Gates won't be among those marching to protest. But his heart might just be with them.…
While Obama Cuts a Deal, Iran Ramps Up Uranium Enrichment
– members separated by the Korean War. … First it reaffirms that Iran has the right to enrich uranium, as the US and the West have accepted. … hardliners in the US Congress.…
Negotiating With Space Nazis
– a wreath at the tomb of the Beirut Marine barracks bomber. … "And this is one of the reasons why I've sent the message to Congress that now is not the time for us to impose new sanctions. … Now is the time for us to allow the diplomats and technical experts to do their work."…
A Blank Check For War on Iran
– Today the Senate is about to vote Israel a virtual blank check -- for war on Iran. … Iran is Germany." Is this the man we want deciding whether America fights her fifth war in a generation in the Mideast? … talks and a return to the sanctions road, at the end of which lies a U.S. war with Iran.…
Obama Betrays U.S. Military Superiority
– This is what happened at the 2012 summit in South Korea when Obama was overheard on an open microphone saying to the Russian President … Russia has been trying to get us to abandon it ever since the days of Ronald Reagan, whose steadfast refusal to do so at the Reykjavik … summit with Mikhail Gorbachev was a major factor in the U.S. winning the Cold War.…
Obama Completes the Tehran-Baghdad-Damascus-Beirut Axis
The danger for the US is that its actions during the past decade appear to have had the effect of advancing Iranian interests, even … The nuclear negotiations with Iran have been based on a reversal of US policy. … The US now is willing to allow Iran to enrich uranium. A Sunni Arab would not consider that a record of positive achievements.…
Obama Picks on Someone His Own Size: Little Sisters of the Poor Catholic Nuns…s-own-size-little-sisters-of-the-poor-catholic-nuns-n1777583
– You think JP Morgan is a mafia? Take it up with the head guy, president Don Obama. … is associated with increased drought in the US. … “As a result of that the US is on both sides of the fight, supporting the Islamists and the Iraqi government.…
In Our Hour of Maximum Danger, We Get Bizzaro Jack Kennedy
– Back when the world was young president Kennedy told us that it was time for a new generation of leaders, “tempered by war, disciplined … The world is very different now. … With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking…
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