Results for: agenda 47

Former Obama DHS Chief: C'mon This Far Left Push To Abolish ICE Is Nonsense…cmon-this-far-left-push-to-abolish-ice-is-nonsense-n2498383
– Also, with regards to ICE and immigration policy, the Trump White House’s agenda falls within the mainstream. … Sixty-four percent (83 percent of Republicans, 47 percent of Democrats, and 66 percent of independents) said they should be sent home … Yeah, not the best ground for Democrats who want a quasi-open border agenda. …
And There It Is…Kamala Harris Wants To Gut Private Health Insurance…kamala-harris-wants-to-gut-private-health-insurance-n2540406
– Over at Hot Air, citing The Washington Post, they noted that Harris’ California agenda would destroy us as it has the Golden State: … cannibalizing such plans, support for single-payer goes down the toilet: The public is divided over a single-payer health care system, with 47
Texas (and Congress) Needs to Hammer Surprise Medical Bills…and-congress-needs-to-hammer-surprise-medical-bills-n2542558
– Legislation to rein-in surprise medical bills is on the agenda at the state level in Texas, Washington State and Georgia. … Similar legislation has either been debated, passed or soon will be on the agenda in the remaining 47 states.  …
When It’s Right to Indict the Democrats
– Dannenfelser noted that, “On Monday night the Democratic Party ratified a platform custom made to reflect Hillary Clinton’s policy agenda … The fact is that 44 out of 47 Democrats voted against this bill, a bill that doesn’t simply call for compassion.…
Asian Americans to Democrats: See Ya!
– He's averaged a 53% approval rating and a 47% disapproval rating (or a +7 net approval rating, without rounding) in 2022 data. … bloc that is the fastest-growing ethnic/racial group in the electorate is just another sign that this president doesn't have an agenda
The Failed Legacy of Johnson's 'Great Society'
– Even so, Johnson viewed Kennedy’s death as an opportunity for self-aggrandizement and to push his own agenda. … laws and ‘war on poverty’ programs of the 1960s, the cold fact is that the poverty rate among blacks fell from 87 percent in 1940 to 47
RSLC Effort to Make Gains in Blue States Paying Off, Polls Show
– A memo for the poll notes, "Only 40% of those surveyed want the Legislature to support Biden's agenda, while 52% want the Legislature … In Maine, Democrats are up by just 1 percent, 48-47 percent, and independents prefer Republicans by 5 percent. … Despite how blue Oregon may be, Republicans are leading on the state legislative generic ballot by 4 percent, at 47-43 percent.…
Democrats and Mainstream Media Just Don't Seem to Get the Supreme Court's 'Legitimacy'…just-dont-seem-to-get-the-supreme-courts-legitimac-n2610424
– A plurality, at 47 percent, believe the Supreme Court has "too much power," while 37 percent said it has "about the right amount." … And their lifetime appointments leave little immediate recourse to a public that may feel increasingly alienated by their agenda. … Further, Kopan's narrative is astounding, as she refers to the Court's role of interpreting laws to amount to an "agenda" that people…
Lawless West Coast States Create 'Safe Haven' for Out-of-State Abortion Seekers, Not Their Own Residents
– Proposition 47, the Newsom-backed ballot measure from 2014, reclassified felony drug and theft offenses as misdemeanors and raised … Has Prop. 47 made California less safe? … DuPont has suffered a 47% increase in car prowls and break-ins from October 2020 to October of last year, according to KING 5 News.…
House Dems Address Economic Recession By Declaring War on Modern Sporting Rifles…ecession-by-declaring-war-on-modern-sporting-rifles-n2611017
– It is the first sales ban on guns, including the AR-15 and AK-47, since a similar ban was enacted back in 1994 and expired in 2004. … While they got the votes on this occasion, the social agenda has often derailed any efforts to pass legislation.…
House Passes Right to Contraception Act, But There's More Than Meets the Eye to Legislation…than-meets-the-eye-in-democrats-contraception-bill-n2610558
– They will be held accountable for their radical, deeply unpopular agenda." … That bill had much more crossover appeal, with 47 Republicans voting in favor.  … Their extreme agenda for America’s women.  …
As Expected, Val Demings Will Face Sen. Marco Rubio in November
– Meanwhile, Pelosi Puppet Val Demings votes for Joe Biden’s failing agenda 100% of the time and would be a rubber stamp for Democrats … ’ radical agenda in the Senate. … results are also suspect in that it showed Nikki Fried ahead of Charlie Crist in the Florida gubernatorial Democratic primary, with 47
Lyndon Baines Obama
– The GOP came roaring back in 1966 to capture 47 House seats and eight new governorships. … He has come out of the closet as a radical liberal spoiling for a fight over an agenda of radical change.…
If You Disagree With Obama, Are You Anti-American?,_are_you_anti-american
– Today, Obama and his followers demonize anyone who challenges the Obama agenda as unpatriotic traitors to the country. … up for "Organizing for America" are instructed to go door to door to persuade neighbors to sign petitions in favor of the Obama agenda … percent think he will have a positive impact on the Middle East), Saudi Arabia (53 percent), United Arab Emirates (52 percent), Kuwait (47
Wanted: A Fighting Party
– And, in 1966, he lost 47 House seats. … And we do know the agenda here is a vast transfer of wealth and power from U.S. citizens to government bureaucrats, and from the U.S…
The Death of Capitalism? Don't Bet on It
– In the United States, a baby born in 1900 could anticipate 47 years of life; by 1950, that number rose to 68 years, and in 2009 it … in much the same way that Barack Obama means to alter the American economy in a big government, “spread the wealth,” socialist agenda
We Don't Need Big Bang Health Care Reform
– What’s the real agenda here? … Census Bureau we don’t have 47 million folks who are truly uninsured. … But the Democratic agenda has never really been just about the uninsured, has it?…
President Blames Doctors for Health Care Costs
– But three of them show just how far this president is willing to ignore the truth to push his political agenda. … President Obama also said that there are 47 million Americans without health coverage. … There are about 47 million uninsured people, but not all of them are Americans.…
Remembering Ted Kennedy
– Kennedy Jr., a man who never had a political career, the death of an actual senator of 47 years should be a greater event. … His supporters can cheer his intense commitment to a leftist agenda. … But his detractors (which, let us remind ourselves, outnumbered his supporters) also found his leftist agenda destructive.…
Liberal Lies in National Health Care: Second in a Series
– So liberals started claiming that they are going to cover an additional 47 million uninsured Americans and cut costs ... without ever … Also on the agenda is a delicious all-you-can-eat chocolate cake that will actually help you lose weight!…
What's Obamamania?
– . -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton telling India to sign on to an anti-global warming agenda - and India's environmental … President Obama - the self-appointed ultimate Un-Bush - repeatedly abhorring President Bush's pre-emption strategy and his liberty agenda … with confidence in his abilities and certain of the rightness of his views, (President Obama) has undertaken a wildly ambitious agenda
Obama Juggernaut Stalled
– At least until people started getting wise to his agenda. … A poll by Gallup the week before showed 47% approval of Obama.…
N.Y., N.J., groups race to pass 'gay marriage' by year's end,_nj,_groups_race_to_pass_gay_marriage_by_years_end
– Homosexual groups like Empire State Pride Agenda believe they are entitled a vote on the bill because they helped Democrats win back … Democrats control the Assembly by a 47-33 margin and the Senate by a 23-17 edge. A bill has yet to pass either chamber.…
Quinnipiac Delivers Sobering Numbers for Obama Policies
– I'd say this is bad news for the Democrats' agenda, but I'm afraid they don't really care what "we the people" think anymore.Three-quarters … of American voters – 74 percent – like President Barack Obama as a person, but only 47 percent like most of his policies, and voters…
Why Huckabee Ain't Dead Yet
– Understandably, the fill-in host might have had an agenda that would be driving his perverse assassination wish. … What Governor Huckabee did do was reduce the 108 years to a sentence of 47 years. … Huckabee was in essence reducing a sentence for petty theft from 108 to 47 years for a black kid.…
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