Results for: Republican Party presidential candidates, 2016

Failed Republicans Want to Rewrite the Constitution
– Surely all those candidates knew that it’s impossible to restart a presidential campaign once it’s been suspended. … The 2016 Republican presidential primaries yielded one “presumptive” nominee, Donald J. … Trump, plus 16 candidates whose presidential campaigns were “suspended” but could remain in business for many more years.…
The Surrender of Principle
– In 2016, conservatives are faced with a presidential candidate who supports socialist healthcare plans run by the government, protectionism … Almost all of the Republican presidential candidates and large numbers of conservatives declared Donald Trump singularly unfit for … The Nebraska Republican Party killed a resolution that denounced offensive statements by Republicans against minorities and women because…
Trump On American Exceptionalism: ‘I Don’t Like The Term'…onalism-i-dont-like-the-term-ill-be-honest-with-you-n2175381
– the Texas Patriots PAC, a local tea party outfit. … candidates have supported on the campaign trail. … I can see why this could cause some hesitancy in Republican voters.…
Graham: It's Time For Republicans to Start Un-Endorsing Trump
– the ensuing rift within the GOP, Lindsey Graham sounds like he's permanently off the Trump train: No prominent elected Republican … So that's the playbook you're likely to witness from many Republican candidates and office-holders as various Trumpian controversies … Maybe you'll see a handful of un-endorsements roll in, but the party will mostly stick together.…
'Honorable Alternative' Gary Johnson Sides With Bernie Sanders 73 Percent Of The Time…agree-with-73-percent-of-what-sanders-says-you-know-n2172078
Party. … Johnson noted that he was always a libertarian Republican, but now a Libertarian presidential candidate. … Two minutes were given to candidates for party chair, which prompted this bizarre act. He's now getting booed off the stage.…
Stumbling Towards Uncertainty
– Two presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have already shaken up the political system in the United States. … This year, however, not only are both parties experiencing challenges to establishment candidates, in the case of the Republican Party … Whether either the Democratic or Republican parties can regain control over the nominating process and selection of candidates for…
Politics, Not Personalities, Will Likely Determine Presidential Election…alities-will-likely-determine-presidential-election-n2178905
– At first glance, 2016 sizes up as no other election year in American history. … For all the flaws of both presidential candidates -- Trump is an undisciplined political amateur, Clinton a compromised and scripted … True, both candidates are notorious flip-floppers and opportunists who seem to lack deeply held beliefs.…
NeverGOP? The Record Of The NeverTrumpers
– These three candidates constituted the “top tier.”   … The third tier was comprised of those candidates “who are unlikely to break through.” … a White House victory in 2016.”…
Let the Games Begin
– The three major political parties have their candidates now for the general election. The ad war is starting in earnest. … The most qualified of the three candidates is a two term Republican governor of New Mexico whose running mate is the former Republican … The Democratic Party has its presumptive nominee.…
Hillary the First Woman Running for President... Not So Fast…y-the-first-woman-running-for-president-not-so-fast-n2176313
– As of June 7th, 2016, Hillary Clinton is the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. … Now one's counter argument could be that Woodhull's Equal Rights Party was not a major political party. … In 1964 Margaret Chase Smith ran under the Republican Party, received primary votes in Illinois, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and…
For Never Trump, What Follows the French Mistake?
– Would it be a popular Republican governor, say South Carolina’s Nikki Haley? … The fact remains: The last successful third-party presidential bid was led by Abraham Lincoln in 1860. … We all did — at least those of us who backed other candidates in the Republican primaries. We didn’t sell them the right way.…
The Cream Never Rises to the Top
– Trump on the Republican side. … And with what appeared to be a very strong field of good Republican candidates it looked like it was going to be very difficult for … It’s a good bet that most if not all of the original Republican candidates would have had a very good chance of defeating Hillary in…
Poll: Despite Trump Travails, GOP Still Tied with Dems on Congressional Ballot…trevails-gop-tied-with-dems-on-congressional-ballot-n2184028
– that in spite of the presumptive nominee's struggles, his historic unpopularity does not appear to be the drag on down-ballot Republicancandidates that many feared -- at least not yet. … Party writ large.  …
Former Friend Who Reported Mateen to FBI: He Was a Hillary Supporter…who-reported-him-to-fbi-he-was-a-hillary-supporter-n2181842
– @ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS. — Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) June 20, 2016 … isn't true.But that probably doesn't matter for your political purposes. — Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) June 20, 2016 … We talked about the presidential election and debated our views of the candidates that were running – he liked Hillary Clinton and…
Libertarian Ticket: "A Breath Of Fresh Air"
– The Libertarian party has always had a candidate, but rarely any with as much presence or traction as Johnson in 2016. … This is the first year the Libertarian party will be on the ballot in every single state. … While the candidates explained why they are Libertarian as opposed to Republican or Democrat, they also placed importance on the way…
Associated Press Hides Democrats’ Hatred of African Americans…d-press-hides-democrats-hatred-of-african-americans-n2186271
– By the 1924 presidential election, the Klan was so institutionalized within the Democratic Party it rallied enough convention delegates … Party and the Trump campaign. … Small wonder that GOP presidential candidates hover in the high single digits when it comes to winning the black vote.…
The Libertarian Alternative, Gary Johnson
– Third-party candidates need to exhibit 15 percent or more support in five national polls to win a seat at the national presidentialcandidates. … Most Republican candidates give lip service to fiscal restraint, without offering specifics about which spending they would cut.…
Celebrating America on July Fourth
– Coming this year in the middle of one of the nastiest presidential campaigns in recent memory, it would certainly be refreshing to … presidential campaign look like a schoolyard tug of war. … Lincoln lost his bid to become senator when the Republican Party failed to gain control of the Illinois Legislature, but the debates…
Would the Gipper Endorse the Donald?
– Would Ronald Reagan endorse presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump? … Nixon told him his endorsement would be more valuable coming from a “Democrat” and told Reagan to switch to the Republican party in … Buckley ran as the Conservative Party nominee against a liberal Republican and a more liberal Democrat.…
Common Core: Republican Minefield?
– Nine months from now, Republican candidates for president will meet on the stage of the Reagan Presidential Library (with the old … Air Force One providing great visuals) for the first debate of the 2016 race. … Properly undertaken, a debate about Common Core could be healthy for the party and the country.…
Election 2016: Walker v. Everyone Else
– Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is a rising 2016 GOP Presidential nominee. … However, he lacks Walker’s savvy to unity distinct interests within the Republican Party. … Presidential candidates must transition from firing up the base to winning over quizzical independents and intrigue disaffected Democrats…
Here We Go: Ted Cruz Revs 2016 Engine
– Much of the 2016 political oxygen on the Republican side of the aisle has been sucked up by establishment-leaning figures so far … “His early reviews among tea party audiences have been stellar in Iowa,” a Republican insider in the Hawkeye State told the Examiner … “I don't think he can appeal as broadly in the party or in the general electorate as other candidates, but his support will be intense…
The Three Amigos of GOP Defeat in 2016
– The Republican presidential nominees, U.S. … Instead, GOP party bosses are overtly supporting the upcoming presidential candidacies of the three major moderate candidates: former … In this election, there is a great opportunity for the Republican Party.…
2016 Rumblings: Walker Gently Suggests Romney Is a Candidate 'From the Past'…r-gently-suggests-romney-is-something-from-the-past-n1943698
– Scott Walker said Wednesday that the reemergence of Mitt Romney in the 2016 presidential field could offset the Republicans’ greatest … Of course, all the ambitious candidates weighing presidential runs have a vested interest in seeing Romney sidelined. … nominee takes steps to once again run for the White House. 2016, here we come.…
Is There A Romney-Bush War Looming?
– surrogates, stumping for winning candidates from Alaska to Florida … Is Bush’s chance of clearing, or reducing, the 2016 GOP field over? Not really. … Tea Party supporters…
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